Biden Claims He ‘Never’ Spoke to His Son About Ukraine Dealings, Forgot Son Said the Opposite – IOTW Report

Biden Claims He ‘Never’ Spoke to His Son About Ukraine Dealings, Forgot Son Said the Opposite


2020 Democratic presidential primary frontrunner Joe Biden (D) may have landed in hot water after denying that he and his son spoke about the younger Biden’s Ukraine dealings.

While speaking to reporters on Saturday, Biden — the former vice president from former President Barack Obama‘s administration — claimed to Fox News’ Peter Doocy that his son Hunter Biden and he “never” discussed the latter’s Ukraine “business dealings” after the younger Biden had said the opposite in a July New Yorker piece.

The younger Biden said in the interview that he and his father had spoken about his business activities in Ukraine a single time.

“Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do,’”

Hunter said to the New Yorker. KEEP READING.

15 Comments on Biden Claims He ‘Never’ Spoke to His Son About Ukraine Dealings, Forgot Son Said the Opposite

  1. All democratic politicians lie most of the time while republicans lie half the time thus most politicians lie at least half the time to get elected, re-elected, to avoid prosecution, and to slander their opponents.

    Ain’t we got fun…

  2. Biden is safe, no one is going to investigate him.

    Doing so would be seen as interfering with an election and an abuse of power.

    Maybe I’m wrong about this, but I doubt it, time will tell.

  3. Double BS. Biden the Older wouldn’t have even been bragging about strong-arming Ukraine for getting rid of their prosecutor (I’m assuming from the context he was the equivalent of our AG) who was investigating Burisma (sp?). That he didn’t mention Biden the Junior is immaterial. It was a given. And besides, how many times did they need to talk about it to ascertain that Creepy Joe knew about it? Once is plenty.

    Ooooooo politicians! This is how we started arguing over what “is”, is!

  4. We know what is is.Billy appears to have trouble with definitions. Like is, stealing, murder, Tresaon,abusing power, rape, abusing yourself, illegal drugs, chicanery, theft. liebrary, etc.

  5. I am left with questions.

    Didn’t the Dems go apeshit over some cabinet officer of Trump’s who took his wife along with him on official business… yet Biden routinely took his granddaughter (what? yech?) and also his son Hunter the drug addict?

  6. And everyone should believe Joe. Why his son is a vision of what pilar of the Democrat community is. Hunter Biden went into business with the son of famed gangster and killer Whitey Bolger. Hunter Biden was thrown out of the Navy for his cocaine use. Hunter Biden left his marriage in order to make love to the wife of his dead brother.

  7. The below link is to, SORRY!, the Washington Compost from…July:

    Is is me? OR does that prick look guilty just getting off the dam plane?? Look at other photos of this asshole, shady mo’fo’.

    Oh, and they did not speak about business on that LONNNNNGG plane right. Right?? No they talked about…golf…and grandchildren.

    Pass that photo ON!


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