Biden Claims Pandemic Has “Helped His Campaign” – IOTW Report

Biden Claims Pandemic Has “Helped His Campaign”

Dan In an interview last week, presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed that the coronavirus pandemic has helped his campaign. He sure seemed serious, but perhaps we can excuse this as simply his latest gaffe, because there’s no way anyone could reasonably come to that conclusion.

16 Comments on Biden Claims Pandemic Has “Helped His Campaign”

  1. And as long as they can perpetrate a fear of the pandemic
    regardless whether real or not
    the smellocrats will propagandize it
    as well as instilling and proselytizing
    a basic underlying hatred of president Trump
    purely because he is POTUS.

    See how clever the smellocrats are ?

  2. We’ll certainly it helped his campaign.

    He’s been deemed nonessential personnel and relegated to his basement, where he can do less damage to his campaign than actually going out and campaigning.

    Biden likes to press the flesh, for sure.

    But he’s still going to lose. In an epic landslide.

  3. What an ass. The whole country, no, the whole world has been suffering, whether by the actual ChinaVirus or by the left’s power grab over-reach, and all this idiot thinks about is himself.

    Democrat. It figures.

  4. @PHenry ~ I don’t think we’ll see a ‘landslide’ … any D’Rat running probably has 225 Electoral College votes from Jump Street.

    Hawaii, Kali, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, DC, Merryland, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, Massholechusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire (3 out of 4 votes)

    … possibly Michigan … takes it to 241. throw in NC, Wisconsin, Nevada … you got 272 … & Dead Man Walking wins

    don’t forget … Florida will be close

    scary, ain’t it? …. ain’t I a big ‘effin ray of sunshine?
    (btw, I like your scenario better)

  5. @Molon. Disagree a bit. Many people aren’t stupid and recognize a pig pile rat fucking of a president and will reject it at the ballot box.

    But Stalin said it. It doesn’t matter who votes. It’s those that count the votes that matter.

    I have grave reservations about November.

    The rats are cornered and dangerous.

  6. Biden is no more responsible for what he’s saying than any ventrolquist’s dummy, or an organ grinder monkey like obama.

    They take their marching orders, and have soros’ hand stuffed up their asses up to their jaws.

  7. Nobody is mentioning Bernie Bros. They ain’t happy; no-shows or Trump revenge vote.

    I’m on the side of an inbound slaughter in favor of KAG. We’ll also have a recovering Trump economy on our side, and most know how the Obama/Biden disaster shoved an impotent economy up their ass without even the decency of any foreplay.


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