Biden Claims Son Never Profited From China Deals; Records Say Otherwise – IOTW Report

Biden Claims Son Never Profited From China Deals; Records Say Otherwise


Joe Biden during the presidential debate on Thursday denied that his son Hunter Biden profited from business deals with China, a claim that conflicts with financial documents, assessments of Chinese corporate records, and banking information released by Senate investigators.

“My son [Hunter] has not made money in terms of this thing about—what are you talking about, China,” Biden said. “I have not had, the only guy that made money from China is this guy [President Donald Trump]. He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.”

Biden’s claims contradict corporate records and other documents indicating that his son Hunter Biden has received between several hundred thousand dollars and up to millions of dollars from China-based investments and ventures in the years during and after Joe Biden’s vice presidential tenure.

Hunter Biden currently owns a 10 percent stake in BHR Partners, a Chinese private equity firm that is co-owned by the Bank of China, a state-controlled commercial bank, according to corporate records.

The investment firm is believed to oversee as much as $6.5 billion in investments, according to LinkedIn statements from one of the firm’s alleged co-founders, Michael Lin.

Hunter Biden also acknowledged in an interview with the New Yorker last July that he received a 2.8-carat diamond, from Ye Jianming, the then-head of state-connected Chinese energy company CEFC China Energy, in 2017. Ye, a well-connected businessman, vanished in China in 2018, after one of his top employees pleaded guilty in a U.S. bribery case. read more

14 Comments on Biden Claims Son Never Profited From China Deals; Records Say Otherwise

  1. But how to get this information to all the people who watched the debate last night, especially the ones that believed Biden and think he won the debate?

    Therein lies the challenge, and the MSM isn’t going to help you with it.

  2. That Joey Biden is a liar is indisputable.
    That We, the Sheeple, demand to be lied to is also indisputable.

    Sheep follow the ram with the bell.
    And Sheeple follow the more outrageous liar (who struts while banging the cowbell).
    We tolerate corruption because it makes us seem less depraved to ourselves (we’d be stuffing our pockets if we had the opportunity).
    So we “tut, tut” and shake our heads and thank the Good Lord that we’re not weak to Satan’s whisperings.

    We rarely assemble the facts in the proper order to observe that corruption is TREASON – these people are undermining the entire basis of the Republic. We tell ourselves that stealing a little here and there isn’t going to upset the entire apple-cart, refusing to acknowledge that the thefts and corruptions must be shared to continue! Thus, it spreads. Arithmetically at first, then geometrically as more lying thieves have their own thieving liars to look after.

    Then, we come to the present and wonder: “How the fuck did THIS happen?”
    New York
    St Louis
    Los Angeles

    They all started with just a few greedy, corrupt maggots who had to spread the filth in order to cover their own filth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Biden was at least finally put in a corner. He’s been good at parsing words and going in circles. Like when he said he had never taken money from foreign countries. That’s technically correct because Hunter was his bag man and Joe took the money from Hunter after Hunter got it from foreign countries.
    He was finally boxed in enough that he told an outright lie. He’s been trying like crazy to avoid it but he walked into it last night when he said Hunter never profited from China.
    Anonymous is right. How does this get out to people who don’t go beyond listening to the 30 second sound bites on the propaganda channels.

  4. “.. this thing about—what are you talking about, China,”

    Well, at least he’s admitting it’s a “thing”. That’s a step up from an “idea”.

    Did they mention “Antifa” even once last nght?

  5. About the only thing that hasn’t yet been revealed in the Biden Crime Family is Beastiality!
    Tell me that’s not out of the question with these degenerate deviants!
    Then we’ll have to change that phrase to: Lyin dog faced pony fukker!

  6. “I never took money from any foreign country?”

    Pure parsing semantics. While “The Big Guy” may not have “directly” taken money he did launder it through his son and other “interests”.

    Lying sack of useless molecules. Hell is filling up but there’s room for more.

  7. Orange Man Bad is SUCH a fvckup. Why, oh why, did he FAIL to warn Bidet that lying in a public forum, (e.g. a presidential debate,) can be the basis for a charge of obstruction of justice if there is an open investigation at, say, the Department of Justice into Hunter Biden or Peter (Dick) Henderson?

    Oh, that’s right, it would be better to just charge Bidet later. My bad.

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