Biden Claims Women Worse Off Than Ever Because of Trump – IOTW Report

Biden Claims Women Worse Off Than Ever Because of Trump

“They’re gonna put y’all back in chains” is the only card that identity politics really has to play. It’s also all that Biden has on call.

9 Comments on Biden Claims Women Worse Off Than Ever Because of Trump

  1. Trump is their personal Whipping Boy! They blame him for everything they do!
    (which is all bad and detrimental to the Nation)
    ‘Scuse me, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thot the real war on women started with this Communist administration!

  2. No joke, my Beau died fitin for wumm3ns sufferng or summat. Trump was in Ganistan wit MAGA to do stuff too Mocracy amd Beau stoppem but died and was burried at Norman’s Knee where I was last week for the celbration of Jsnuary 6th.


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