Report: Biden Compares Losing His Son to Israelis Slaughter – IOTW Report

Report: Biden Compares Losing His Son to Israelis Slaughter

GP: Joe Biden on Tuesday delivered remarks on the ambush Hamas terror attack against Israel over the weekend.

He was 90 minutes late to his remarks. This is the first time the public has seen Joe Biden since Saturday.

Biden sounded like he just rolled out of bed as he mumbled for 10 minutes. He confirmed that 14 Americans in Israel have been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists.

“Sadly for the Jewish people, it’s not new. This attack is brought to the surface painful memories & the scars left by a millennia of anti-Semitism and genocide of the Jewish people…We must be crystal clear. We stand with Israel…and we will make sure it has what it needs to take care of its citizens and defend itself,” Biden said.

As always, Joe Biden made the speech about himself and compared losing his son Beau to Israelis whose family members were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists. more

29 Comments on Report: Biden Compares Losing His Son to Israelis Slaughter

  1. Is there anything this A- hole won’t make about himself?
    Oh, poor ol’ Joe can sympathize with those who lost loved ones to brutal homicidal terrorists, because it was the same as Beau dying surrounded by loved ones and more than likely full of pain killers.
    What an idiot! Give me a freaking break!

  2. What’s that saying, “a coward dies a thousand deaths?”
    Hell, a coward has absolutely NOTHING on Beau Biden!
    Audie Murphy got nothing on Beau!
    Dude has died more times & more ways than any American hero by far…
    He should be on fucking Mt. Rushmore!

  3. Gd fucking damn that fucking imbecile. How can anyone even begin to compare his son’s death to being violently murdered by savages. To citizens who threw themselves over their childrens bodies to try and save them To babies who were burned alive, to babies who were beheaded.

    This man is an international fucking disgrace without an ounce of empathy or understanding. May Gd send his soul to eternal hell. I wouldn’t even waste my saliva to spit on his grave.

    Burn and rot in hell you fucking bastard.

    Yes, I am mad, in case you were wondering.

  4. So now, I’m trying to figure out which is more accurate to represent Joe’s feelings;

    Son-of-a-gun or Son-of-a-bitch…..

    Or…..most likely……Damn, I’m really doing great, thanks to Obutthole.

  5. This Biden family is the blue ribbon winner in the cheap, crass and tawdry derby. I thought it would be hard to beat out Prince Charles and Princess Di, but they have accomplished it.

  6. C’mon man, no joke. My son Beau gave his life on a cruise so’s he could come back 33 1/3 days later and forget your shins. When the angel Galadriel came to me and said Mary was gonna have my Beau, I was elastic with joy and preyed at the pimple for Thanksgiving dinner. Dinner means ice cream an’ when the girls get some, I get ta sniff ’em! Looks like Jill and the Easter Bunny are waving at me, so before I get in trouble I better say Inshallah to my Jew boys and may Dog save … you know … the thing!

  7. The anti-civil rights and segregationist Joe Biden actually hates Jewish people, particularly as displayed recently by the neo-nazi group “The Blood Tribe” who endorsed the quivering slob for re-election. Joe Biden “stands” only with his bank account and nothing and no one else. A really bad seed is he.

  8. The anti-civil rights and segregationist Joe Biden actually hates Jewish people, particularly as displayed recently by the neo-nazi group “The Blood Tribe” who endorsed the quivering slob for re-election and who know just exactly what he is. Joe Biden “stands” only with his bank account and nothing and no one else. A really bad seed is he.

  9. beau biteme was just as crooked and evil as all the rest

    just ask larry sinclaire, beau was the DE AG when “they” had him locked up for telling everyone he had gay sex with dingle barry

    mother biteme must have been a real piece of work to have raised this deranged house full of degenerates


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