Biden Confirms Son Hunter Will Join Him On The Campaign Trail – IOTW Report

Biden Confirms Son Hunter Will Join Him On The Campaign Trail

No one said he was smart.

Daily Caller:

Former Vice President Joe Biden confirmed Wednesday night that his son Hunter will join him on the campaign trail amid controversy surrounding his personal life and business dealings.

The Democratic presidential front-runner told the Reno Gazette Journal during a campaign stop in Reno, Nevada that he did not know when Hunter would campaign with him, saying that he was busy teaching at a West Coast law school. 

“I see him. I talk to him and I’m proud of him,” Biden said of his son.

Biden was then asked why his son would be an asset for his campaign.

“He’s my son. He’s a fine man. He’s been through hell,” Biden said. read more

22 Comments on Biden Confirms Son Hunter Will Join Him On The Campaign Trail

  1. …is Hunter/Joe like Willam Kennedy Smith and Teddy? You know, one does the luring, the other does the raping?
    …but it’s US they want to rape, in THIS case, over and over again, with full Democrat immunity, of course…

  2. Unca Joe just wants to keep his kid handcuffed to himself to keep the kid away from the Crack & Cocaine before the kid can cause more problems for his campaign.

  3. Stand back from the Biden Lightning Rod. It’s going to be electrifying out there on the campaign for a few weeks. It’s going to turn into the Trail of Jeers. There won’t be very many joint appearances once even the MSDM starts asking questions.

  4. It’s funny how pols and journos think that being in a political campaign makes one immune to investigation or prosecution if the opponent is an incumbent Republican. We’ll see how that notion holds up.

    Good luck, Hunter. Lots of time in the public eye coming up. Hope the pressure doesn’t cause a relapse. Assuming you quit, of course.

  5. What’s Joe’s reasoning behind this decision in light of recent revelations about Hunter? How about this: “Dad wouldn’t subject his son to this if he weren’t innocent. See, he’s not afraid to be ‘upfront.'”

    Yeah, Joe, put your kid out front so he can shield you from attack. Right where we can throw truth bombs at him – and you. You know, rotten tomatoes, eggs and other garbage.

    Thanks for sucking at campaign strategy, Joe.

  6. IA serious candidate would tell Hunter to go find s drug rehab and stay there. Hunter is being sued for child support from a women in CA, he abandoned his wife after squandering all their savings, and then started banging his brother”s widow. I suspect he may be proven in court he was a bagman for his father. The whole family is twisted.

    I always suspected Joe didn’t really want to run in 2020, but like Mondale in 1984, he was asked to take one for the party. He didn’t want all his dirty laundry coming out. I think he’s intentionally sabotaging his chances for the nomination.

  7. “he did not know when Hunter would campaign with him, saying that he was busy teaching at a West Coast law school”

    what is young hunter teaching at this law school?

    how to graft the American public 101?

  8. @Answerman Cooper,
    “Will Hunter’s baby momma be joining the campaign?”

    I immediately pictured a booth at each campaisn stop for ALL the baby mommas to check in and chat.

  9. Will Hunter’s exwife be with him…..

    Or is Hunter still shacking up with his dead brother’s wife….?

    No wonder Joe gets away with sniffing and groping strangers.


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