Biden confuses basic facts about murder of Trump supporter in incoherent press conference – IOTW Report

Biden confuses basic facts about murder of Trump supporter in incoherent press conference

ThePostMillennial: Joe Biden finally took questions today after delivering some remarks, before travelling to Kenosha, Wisc. tomorrow. Biden appeared to blame Trump supporters in Portland for “someone shot by someone in the crowd, with a bullet, killed.”

He was asked if he agreed with running mate Kamala Harris’ statements that the officer who shot Jacob Blake in that city should be charged.

It appears that he said that yes, those officers should be charged, as well as the officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor.

“I think we should let the judicial system work its way. I do think there’s a minimum need to be charged, the officers, and as well as Breonna Taylor.

“And I might add, by the way, I think what happened in Portland, where a, one of the Trump guys riding along in vans inciting response, shooting rubber bullets I guess, or paintballs, apparently there was someone shot by someone in the crowd, with a bullet, killed. more

9 Comments on Biden confuses basic facts about murder of Trump supporter in incoherent press conference

  1. Just ask him if Dr. Jill let him pour his Chocolate Milk over his Fruit Loops this morning, or if Humper sent him some more photographs of his illegitimate granddaughter. C’mon Man! Only 60 more days until the election.

  2. Geezuz, you have to wonder whether this whole Biden/Harris campaign is just a plan to get Pelosi into the White House. The MSM, Soros et al and all the talking heads run a campaign that actually dislodges Trump, Biden is sworn in and suffers a fatal stroke the same evening and Kamala Harris gets killed in an unfortunate accident and Pelosi takes the crown and immediately adjourns to the bunker under the White House and starts issuing EO’s by the bundle. Naw, just kidding but you have to wonder why the Dems/Progs are running this crazy old thief as everytime he opens his mouth he creates a Trump election ad.

  3. Bu bu bu bu bu bu but but you must ask yourself was Barky really any brighter?

    And the Usurper occupied the WH for EIGHT YEARS !!!

    OMG, imagine what termites would do to your house if you let them run rampant for 8 years!!

  4. Uh oh, Joe is plagiarizing again. [Rep. Ilhan Omar’s] ‘some people did something’.

    C’mon man, you know, they did the thing. Out in Portland. I don’t really remember what it was, but it was… something did … something some people did. It was bad, I think. Oh wait … by the way … feeling my leg hair. That’s not bad. Some people did that thing. If you wear the thing, the mask thing, you you could do it now. I’m something, too. The highest IQ in the … in the… what was it? The room. Yeah, that’s the thing. Smartest guy in the room thing. I’m smarter than the other guy … what’s his … Trump, that Trump guy. The justice system is doing the thing too.

  5. Come on, man. How was Joe supposed to know that 99 percent of the ‘crowd’ was made up of invisible people? How was he supposed to know that those darn Trumpsters were driving a swarm invisible trucks?? With transparent rubber bullets???

    It’s all Trumps fault, ok????


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