Biden Considers Stripping Health Care from Veterans to Give to Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Biden Considers Stripping Health Care from Veterans to Give to Illegal Aliens

Neon Nettle:
Illegal aliens may be given priority over servicemembers for receiving health care benefits under the Biden administration, reports say.

According to various reports, the Biden administration is reportedly considering diverting doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to treat illegal aliens who are expected to flood the southern border this spring and summer.

The insulting slight to American veterans was first reported by Fox Business’s Hillary Vaughn, who cited a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

She quoted the source as saying: “We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that,” she said. more

21 Comments on Biden Considers Stripping Health Care from Veterans to Give to Illegal Aliens

  1. You know, I read this kind of stuff — these headlines — and I think, “This couldn’t possibly be true. How could a country’s president, especially this country’s president, ever even “consider” something this anti-American?” Then I come back to reality. This is Soetoro’s third term. They’ve got us thinking that Biden is in charge and, in that, they’ve been pretty successful. But make no mistake, these are Soetoro’s and Soros’s tactics.

  2. From “Willie and Joe” of WWII fame from the hospital bed:
    “Am I still a hero or now just a burden on the system?”
    (may not be an actual quote – been a long time since I saw it)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Those who swore allegiance to the foreign invaders of their land, and (were bright enough, to look around, and) said “Da HAIL!?”, and bail… have no money dog, in the fight.

    Those who looked around, and said, “As long as I’s gets mine!”… meh.

  4. What more can you add to fuck Biden. I have never despised a President as much as I do Biden. It’s almost as if the evil forces behind him want to start a civil war. As an honorably discharged Navy veteran this is beyond the pale and makes my blood boil.

  5. OnePartyOneChoice
    APRIL 2, 2022 AT 7:19 PM
    “Sounds good to me, we need moe votes for the party, keep up the good work!”

    Vote away! I’ll be there to *giggle* “count” them! The more there are, the more I can fli…I mean, “count”, of course!



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