Biden Declares National Emergency for Clean Energy Production – IOTW Report

Biden Declares National Emergency for Clean Energy Production

Invokes Defense Production Act to Facilitate Faster Transformation of Energy Economy Away from Fossil Fuels

CTH: Earlier today, Joe Biden, working toward the agenda of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Wall Street multinationals, and the radical climate change activists within the far left of the socialist democrat party, declared a national emergency around the issue of U.S. energy prices and policies. MORE

19 Comments on Biden Declares National Emergency for Clean Energy Production

  1. “We’re gonna ban real energy and replace it with imaginary energy and get rich while we do it.”

    – People who deserve to be torn limb from limb by angry mobs

  2. Joe Biden’s executive announcement today is the triggering of increased federal government control over the United States energy system

    It’s called FASCISM!

  3. …I’ve been making food for the military for 25+ years. In that time, the DPA was invoked twice, both times for ACTUAL WAR.

    Pedo has invoked it twice in TWO MONTHS, both times for problems he CAUSED.

    …now, we have trouble getting some things, particularly electronics, and this will make it even MORE difficult and make the waiting list LONGER, because I’m now competing with people making derfy solar cells backed by the FEDERAL FUCKING GOVERNMENT CHASING AN UNTENABLE FANTASY FOR POLITICAL POINTS.

    Every other industry will be in the same boat.

    …I can go back to relay logic if need be, not sure everyone can.

    But if they give all the relays to some Demofraf fuckhead with a scam to make insulation out of rice, then I’ll be SOL, as will my employer, as will the soldiers we will no longer be able to feed…

  4. Those Chinese panels are junk. Literally, they’re faulty. That’s why Trump put the embargo on them in the first place.

    Once again, the Chinese are stupid. They stole that PVD technology from us, but they can’t figure out how to implement it. Can’t wait to see their top of the line fighters in action. That’ll be more fun than watching Top Gun.

  5. …oh, and producing food requires an exact, continuous process at very specific temperatures and pressures for very particular periods of time to be able to statistically prove the food is safe, and a well controlled cool to prevent thermophilic spoilage.

    Good luck doing that with Pedo wrecking all energy production. The rolling blackouts should be TONS of fun, if the brownouts don’t fry all the electical equipment first.

    Yes, you can restart a process provided the blackout didn’t last long enough for your overpressure to bleed away so your containers explode, but it may make it into safe garbage if you do because the quality will suffer and you’ll still have to throw it away.

    Also, a lot of electical equipment, particularly high speed robots, doesn’t take kindly to sudden power outages or severe drops in power quality (voltage changes, phase loss, etc). Yes you have storm blackouts so its not like it doesn’t happen naturally, but it ALSO doesn’t happen CONTINUOUSLY.

    So if Pedo keeps strobing entire cities, that’s going to increase the risk of frying all kinds of electical and electronic equipment.

    That his supply chain fuckery has ALREADY rendered rare.

    And now THIS DPA BULLSHIT will misprioritize into the “impossible” catagory.

    Factories don’t have huge margins for down time.

    So a couple of months of asshole pedo blinking the lights on every factory in America ought to finish them all off right smart.

  6. And the TRAITOROUS BASTARD also is canceling the tariffs on Chinese solar panels which will cause US made solar panels not competitive. China wins, US loses!

  7. This is the modern day equivalent to fiddling while Rome burns. Or maybe even more so, what it amounts to is entertainment of the masses, bread and circuses, as the dimwits sit on their thumbs, smoking dope and paying Uber Eats with their free govt money to deliver McDonalds to their fat ass, while they contentedly watch as the slow motion destruction of America picks up steam headed into the grand finale.

  8. “But you dumb asses have all answers if we all lived in wonderland.”

    Actually we do you stupid fuck. Stop the Green New Deal. They’re ramming it down our throats and it ain’t working.

  9. People struggling paycheck to paycheck while trying to decide between gas to get to work or food to feed their families probably won’t have extra funds for solar panels.


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