Biden Declares War On The Navajo – IOTW Report

Biden Declares War On The Navajo

AND Magazine

In 1868 the United States signed a treaty with the Navajo Nation that ended many years of war. Pursuant to that treaty the Navajo were allowed to return to their native lands in the Southwest and recognized as a sovereign nation. They have lived there in peace for a hundred and fifty years.

Not anymore.

Joe Biden doesn’t respect treaties with Native American tribes anymore than he respects the constitutional rights of other Americans however. He alone knows best what the rules should be, and he acts unencumbered by the law. Joe has declared war on the Navajo.

The Navajo are heavily dependent on revenue from oil and gas production on their lands. They derive tens of millions of dollars every year from this source. For a people whose poverty rate is triple the national average that is a very big deal.

One in two Navajo households do not have sufficient savings to survive for three months if their income is cut off. Over one-third of the Navajo do not have access to running water. Forty percent of Navajo families have to haul water to their homes to survive.  Over 15,000 live without electricity. Many have only limited access to healthcare. more

37 Comments on Biden Declares War On The Navajo

  1. They have to haul water because the water there is too deep to pump. They don’t have electricity because they are so far from power lines.. I’ll bet they all have cell phones. Maybe they should have assimilated.

  2. “to see any road into any of our national parks or our public lands blocked was heartbreaking because our public lands belong to all Americans”

    This is rich coming from a Democrat. Remember when Obama ordered ALL national parks and monuments closed because the Congress wouldn’t give him unlimited tax money? These people have no shame

  3. Aren’t the Navajo the Code Talkers from WW II ? We all need energy from oil and gas and it’s disgusting that the Navajo people are suffering from the policies of the resident and his cronies . What’s Elizabeth Warren have to say about this ?

  4. Biden (or his handlers) have successfully alienated most every group of “normal” citizens of this country pandering only to the clinically insane, illegals, the wealthy and criminals. It would stand to reason though as he fits in each of these categories. If things do not change, collapse and chaos will surely ensue. We are in for interesting times ahead.

  5. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the US FedGov declare that Indian lands were sovereign?
    So what is the US FedGov doing telling the Indians what to do (or NOT do) with their own land?

  6. For 150 years they have tried to poison them with alcohol. Now starve them out.
    I live near a reservation. The govt built brand new houses for them. They promptly stripped all the copper and sold it. Some even cut holes in the floor so the blood would drain for their kills.
    It is hard to help people that don’t want to be helped. I bet there are some VERY wealthy tribal elders. Corruption isn’t just a white thing.

  7. News flash: The Democrats EXPLOIT the Tribes. Friends of mine who are Tribal members fully understand what has been going down and although they vigorously are opposed to it they are fighting against the parasite class in their own Tribes. The parasite class votes in Tribal Elders who promise to keep just enough of the casino, cigarette etc money flowing to support their alcohol, drug and cigarette addictions and don’t do anything except live the lifestyle. There are Tribal members who get up every day, put on their pants and go to work and they feel betrayed by the Tribal leadership because they are betrayed.

    The Democrat Party has a symbiotic relationship with “the Tribes,” whose leadership is every bit as contemptable and corrupt as the rest of the Democrat Party.

    Get in bed with the devil and this is what to expect.

  8. Great White Father was always known to crawfish on any deal he made, with anyone. The indians (no more native American than I am) have known this for at least a couple of centuries.

    This fellow, the individual infesting the white house, and his puppeteer, the loathsome Barack H. 0bama must be known as the great white great grandfather and his cxcksucking half breed master.

    The kind of people who effed the indians over the years are the same kind of people running things now, but much worse, as they are effing us and the indians ‘for our own good’

  9. I can’t speak about the Navajos, but I live in Indian country and tribes are just as corrupt as our federal government, the majority who become Chiefs and on the tribal council are democrats. Their elections may be even more corrupt than our elections. They spend millions of dollars every election cycle to try and get democrats elected.

    Then sadly no matter how much tribal members are given they tear it up knowing they will get more and if you’re friends with those on the council you get even more stuff and moved to the front of the line.

    It was bad enough that the state gave them a monopoly on casinos, but then SCOTUS ruled you can’t arrest them and send them to prison, so many very bad people were released from prison, many others never even see a day in court.

  10. When NY state tried to get the Seneca Nation to collect cigarette taxes they started tire fires on the Thruway where it runs through their reservation. NY backed down.

  11. Brad, did you even read the article you linked? Says scalping in North America was practiced by the aborigines 100s of years before European settlers reached these shores.

  12. Brad, I’m part Cherokee Indian and although they were civilized, Indians are lazy and I’d say those who are full blood, about 70% work harder at getting out of work than they do actually working and these days all they can do is whine and complain about how they were treated on the trail of tears and think everyone owes them something.
    I have done lots of research over the years on all tribes and although whites did some very bad shit, Indians for the most part were savages, some tribes more vicious than others and they were taking scalps long before the first white person ever showed up.

    Coming from a part Indian who could get all kinds of free stuff and special treatment if I wanted, it’s time to move past the past. Everyone should be on equal ground, including Indians.

  13. You will find that there are Natives who work their butts off. You will also find a parasite class that encourages those so inclined to choose that option and rewards it. If you think the corruption and absolute disregard for the dignity of those they are exploiting amongst the poverty industrial complex is bad, the ones of the reservations make them look like saints by comparison. To say they actively recruit is an understatement. They have their accomplices working full time in the schools to inculcate a sense of entitlement and discourage self improvement. It’s disgusting.

  14. The kids and I will be spending the weekend with NDNs.

    Muckleshoot Gold Cup Indian Relay this weekend. One of the biggest relay races in the country. If you are not familiar with relay that link is to all of the Gold Cup races since 2016. Emerald Downs is a big track and they make three exchanges in two a two mile race. We are among only a few white families who follow relay. My kids will travel across a couple states for a race or a big rodeo, none of them would walk across the street to go to any major league sport like football or basketball.

  15. Dan
    “Brad, did you even read the article you linked?”

    I was after a link that established white people were scalping each other way before the Indians started. I believe that link accomplished that. I’m pretty busy at work and I am guilty of not reading the entire article, I am. And at the same time I can fill your inbox up with testimonials that some Magistrate from one of the original 13 demanded a scalp in order to collect a bounty.

    Old Racist White Woman , Do you know what’s wrong with the American Indian Community? The same thing that’s wrong with the black community. Only the Feds have been destroying thr American Indian a lot longer.

  16. Hey Brad, just like slavery, the aborigines learned it on their own in North America.
    I understand about work, I come here and Knuckledraggin when i need a break
    As for the Emails, it would probably be the only interesting emails I get, haha. take care

  17. As it has has been previously revealed, Joe Biden is a longtime friend and associate of the Ku Klux Klan who have simply altered their vicious methods by employing covert maneuvers to avoid otherwise obvious detection.

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