Biden DOJ Sues Elon Musk’s SpaceX For Hiring Americans Over Refugees And Asylum Seekers – IOTW Report

Biden DOJ Sues Elon Musk’s SpaceX For Hiring Americans Over Refugees And Asylum Seekers

Envolve: Justice Department Sues SpaceX for Discriminating Against Asylees and Refugees in Hiring

Asylees and Refugees With Relevant Information Should Contact the Justice Department

The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) for discriminating against asylees and refugees in hiring. The lawsuit alleges that, from at least September 2018 to May 2022, SpaceX routinely discouraged asylees and refugees from applying and refused to hire or consider them, because of their citizenship status, in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

In job postings and public statements over several years, SpaceX wrongly claimed that under federal regulations known as “export control laws,” SpaceX could hire only U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, sometimes referred to as “green card holders.” Export control laws impose no such hiring restrictions. Moreover, asylees’ and refugees’ permission to live and work in the United States does not expire, and they stand on equal footing with U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents under export control laws. Under these laws, companies like SpaceX can hire asylees and refugees for the same positions they would hire U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents. And once hired, asylees and refugees can access export-controlled information and materials without additional government approval, just like U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents. more here

26 Comments on Biden DOJ Sues Elon Musk’s SpaceX For Hiring Americans Over Refugees And Asylum Seekers

  1. “Asylees and refugees are migrants to the United States who have fled persecution. To obtain their status, they undergo thorough vetting by the United States government.”


  2. Just heard tonight that the 140 flood gates have been welded open. And it’s not water pouring in.
    These people are getting $2200 + a month to invade us.
    Schools and hospitals are going to fail first.

  3. Free enterprise is as good as dead if an entrepreneur must follow such stupid laws in regard to hiring.

    Imagine a guy opening a grocery store in Brooklyn ca 1885. A city inspector stops by and asks the grocer several questions:

    Inspector: How many Wops ya got workin’ for ya?
    Grocer: four
    Inspector: OK, good, how many Kikes?
    Grocer: four
    Inspector: OK, good. How many women
    Grocer: Two, my wife and daughter
    Inspector: Hmmmm….get two more before I come back next year, Got it?
    Grocer: OK, Sure…am I in big trouble?
    Inspector: Not yet, just make sure you get some more women in here. Capice?
    Grocer (sweating profusely) Yes,
    Inspector: Do you have any of those little fairy bugger boys working here?
    Grocer: I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean – who are these people?
    Inspector: I’ll send some over tomorrow so you will know what they are. You need to hire 12 of them too. Allright?
    Grocer: Uh…OK, if I must.
    Inspector: Yes, you must.
    Inspector: Got any Darkies here?
    Grocer: No, there are no Darkies living in this neighborhood. They are all up in Harlem. They don’t want to come all that way to work in Brooklyn.
    Inspector: That don’t matter, you need to have the same number as the others…..let’s see, 4, 8, 12…you better find 12 Darkies and give them jobs if you don’t want our Night Flying Squad Boys to come down here for a little “visit” do you?
    Grocer(scared)…no…OK I’ll hire the Darkies.
    Inspector: What about the mentally unbalanced? You have any of them working here?
    Grocer: Yes, I have Billy an Irish kid, he sweeps out the store after we close and lays mousetraps about the place.
    Inspector: hire eleven more mentals.
    Grocer: I have no work for them to do.
    Inspector: Not my affair.
    Inspector: Any questions? No? Good Day.

  4. From the article-

    “Because SpaceX works with certain goods, software, technology and technical data (referred to here as export-controlled items), SpaceX must comply with export control laws and regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations.”

  5. Yeah, I’m with it, SpaceX is wrong.

    They should be more than willing to hire illegals for alpha stage rocket trials. With duct tape, strapped to the outside of a rocket.

  6. I saw this headline yesterday and thought it was a joke. It is. The joke is that the Regime erases all meaningful distinctions of citizenship. The last one, voting, has already fallen in several jurisdictions. We are being converted from a free people to a subject population. If you don’t know the difference, you have been converted.

  7. We’ve truly passed into bizarro world.
    Chaos, insanity, stupidity, cruelty, and hatred are the signs of this dystopian gov’t under the projected image of the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey, et al.
    (I realize that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper isn’t really in charge of anything)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Keep it up libtards. This could push Elon into making sure those damn Dominion machines vote red. Would love to hear them cry that Elon illegally defeated their cheating system.

  9. This is all government retaliation against Musk for what he has revealed at Twitter. Now that they have Trump’s mug shot, they have nothing stopping them. NOTHING!

  10. Interesting how much 0bama hates Musk. Is it possible 0bama made sexual advances on Musk and was rudely rebuffed? Musk is ‘on the spectrum’ so his reaction to a flaming homosexual come on might not have been suave.

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