6 Facts About Trudeau That’ll Make Your Blood Boil! – IOTW Report

32 Comments on 6 Facts About Trudeau That’ll Make Your Blood Boil!

  1. Kcir, funny you should say Crown Royal. I’ve been thinking a shot of whiskey would be good, it’s been cool here lately. And what do you know, my wife came out of the grocery store with a half gallon of Crown Royal. I’ll be pouring myself a shot here in a few minutes.

  2. Huron
    Honest to God, any Canadians wanting to move down here I know for a fact a few of us will help anyway we can. Including doing legal leg work. If you need any research or any other type of help I can provide hit MJA up for my email.

  3. Anonymous we have had a lot of trolls here over the years but you take the cake for being one of the dumbest vile and stupid of the bunch. Go cup a fart and come back with a insult that at least makes us laugh.

  4. Actually Geoff C. The Saltine, my comment was rather witty and pointed. It was only insulting if it was true and you recognize it to be true

    Relax,lay back and enjoy the moment. Cup your own farts if that’s what’s required for your enjoyment

  5. Don’t worry about me friends.
    I’m Busy changing hearts & minds up here in my own way.

    Brad, None of you are assholes.

    Joe6, That half gallon of Crown, made down the 401 from me, cost you less than what I pay for a 26oz at the “Guvmint” store.
    If you ever see a bottle of “Crown Royal Northern Harvest” it is UNREAL for a few bucks more. Otherwise I Prefer Kentucky Straight.

    Huron, foreign ownership taxes etc. and dual tax status.


  6. “Actually Geoff C. The Saltine, my comment was rather witty and pointed. It was only insulting if it was true and you recognize it to be true”

    Nice, read that. A fucking touchy feely Libtard. After Marshal Law, and he show up in your camp, go ahead and waste the bullet.

  7. To this specific Anonymous,

    Why don’t you just use “Anonymous-AF” so that I can save precious seconds suggesting new ways for you to self violate your Balloon Knot. Unlike you, our time is money, and we have things to Build/Fix.

    PS. That ticking sound is coming from the wrist watch your cousin lost fisting you last night.

  8. Balloon knot tying is apparently something some peppers do late at night in their camp. Me? I’ll be salting down a cow, a hog, and a deer.

    Does balloon knot tying have anything to do with cupping farts? Nevermind, I don’t want to know.

    Just how do you make money in your webalo’s camp during the apocalypse. Merit badges? stuffing brownies? snickerdoodles?

  9. Balloon Knot:

    Looks like…

    A sphincter. Well, an un violated one.

    Not like the particular Anonymous’ in question which resembles a corned beef sandwich thrown againt the wall.

    tired, goodnight, long ass drive tomorrow.

  10. Picture Willie the grounds keeper from The Simpsons saying “ACK, WE’VE GOT WORK TO DO”. That will be the motto of you’re webalo prepper troop. Followed by “ACK WE WON’T ARGUE WITH COWARDS”….

  11. Balloon knot looks like an asshole….HMMMM. I’ve never looked at an asshole long enough to make that comparison….It’s interesting how people’s minds work….Must be a lot of asshole gazing at webalo meetings

  12. Kcir, have not seen Crown Royal Northern Harvest, but I’ll look for it. I rarely drink whiskey so in all honesty I’m not a connoisseur, but I’ve drank plenty of Crown Royal as a go to whiskey, but that’s all I know. If someone has a good recommendation for a moderately priced whiskey I’d like to see it. I’m looking at buying a couple pallets to use as barter material for when paper currency is worth less than ass wipe.

  13. Anonymous lives a lonely, shallow existence. That’s why during his/her day there are many costume and gender changes so he/she can have somebody to converse with. I’ll bet he/she does a knockdown Carol Channing from Hello Dolly.


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