Biden exhibits classic dementia symptoms – IOTW Report

Biden exhibits classic dementia symptoms

American Thinker:
By Terry Paulding

One of the hallmarks of dementia is an inability to feel empathy.  This study explains that cognitive decline causes significant impairment in identifying with the emotions and experiences of others.  There are many others, as well, that corroborate the observations.

Lead author Muireann Irish says:

There isn’t the change in personality, which I think is one of the most jarring things about frontotemporal dementia patients. [This study] gives more knowledge and insight to the caregivers that there’s an organic reason for this change that becomes so distressing. Empathy is an abstract concept in a way. It’s not as easily quantified as memory loss or changes in language and it can be seen as a personality issue or somebody being deliberately unsympathetic, but this shows there’s a region in the brain that changes.

Dare I suggest that the region of Joe’s brain that once had a capacity for feeling others’ pain is long gone?

Watching snippets (because that was all I could tolerate) of Biden’s interactions with the public via the sparse speeches he read off the teleprompter between “resting” at Camp David, and then snippets of his interview with George Stephanopoulos, it’s quite clear that the president has lost his ability to relate to the pain others may be feeling. more

39 Comments on Biden exhibits classic dementia symptoms

  1. He HAS been exhibiting symptoms for some time now. Anyone who has witnessed or experienced dementia in people close to them knows that.

    Wilful blindness on the part of the mainstream media; intentional coverup on the part of TPTB.

  2. Paresis from neruosyphilis.

    “General paresis
    This form can appear decades after you’re infected with syphilis, and it can cause lasting issues. However, it’s fairly rare today because of advances in the screening, treatment, and prevention of STIs.

    If it develops, general paresis may lead to several health problems, including:

    mood swings
    emotional troubles
    personality changes
    weakened muscles
    a loss of the ability to utilize language
    It can also progress to dementia.”

    …pedos like him have been known to get off on deliberately infecting their victims with social diseases, much like AIDS patients do, it’s somewhere between adding a humiliation, inflicting lasting pain, and a warped sense of revenge against the universe that THEY got it, but whatever the psychological mechanism, a pervert like him likely carried it around for years untreated just to be able to torment others with it. He may also have started as an asymptomatic carrier (some do), and is too progressed at this point to make any difference.

    Pedo Joe deserves to die from crotch rot.

    His dementia may be a sign that he is.

  3. He can’t have lost his empathy, I doubt he ever had any to lose. Use his first wife’s death for political gain, lie about the trucker having a DUIU… the list goes on.

  4. Groucho Marxist-

    The last 2 in the list almost made me cry.
    Why would his cunt wife jill do this to him?
    I mean, I hate biden with the energy of two suns, but damn.
    Those people around him are pure evil.

    Also, good point, Zonga.

  5. the dirtball
    AUGUST 21, 2021 AT 3:15 PM
    “Still can’t believe they haven’t removed him via the 25th amendment yet. Our few allies left must be going “WTF”.”

    …they are likely planning to remove him in a false flag operation to justify a gun grab.

    You know what Dems say about a “crisis”…

    “Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste”

    “If You Don’t Have A Crisis, Make One”

    …they always do, and it always works ..

  6. Regardless.
    Joey has always been a diabolical narcissist.
    A sociopath bordering on psychopathy.
    Selfish, greedy, conniving, plotting, plagiarizing, lying, dissembling, abuser of women, abuser of girls, and a complete hypocrite.

    The man’s a puke – and a successful politician, I may point out.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “…the region of Joe’s brain that once had a capacity for feeling others’ pain is long gone.”

    The laughing hyena waiting in the wings doesn’t have much in that department either. And she can’t claim Alzheimer’s as an excuse. Maybe too many headboard strikes?

  8. The allies who no longer see us as reliable: are these some of the same allies that bad-mouthed President Trump at every opportunity and cheered when Biden was elected, er, anointed?

  9. Hunter is a whole different ball game though.

    He showed so much more empathy to his Sister-In-Law while he was pounding her into the headboards after Beau achieved room temperature.

  10. ‘…it’s quite clear that the president has lost his ability to relate to the pain others may be feeling…’

    Sorry, but that is a classic symptom, no scratch that, requirement, of being a democrat, if not most republicans too. They will tell the bald face lie to your face that they feel your pain, and then continue pushing the policies that are causing that pain. They – the ruling class – are nothing less than the scum of the earth,

  11. “Dare I suggest that the region of Joe’s brain that once had a capacity for feeling others’ pain is long gone?”

    Fucking spare me. The bastard is a follower of a political philosophy in which sincerity is nonexistent. They all strive to be consummate recognizers of victimization, I will give them that. However I have lived around the sonsabitches closely enough to state as an unequivocal certainty that their sole interest in anyone they so recognize is in order to exploit them to advance their own agenda. That, my friends, is what their obsession with virtue signaling is in a nutshell and it absolutely and completely defines “compassion” and “empathy” as practiced by followers of that pernicious political philosophy.

    Trust me on this, their capacity for sincerity when it comes to others is all but illusory. It is like their “black friends,” like their imaginary black friends it exists only in their own sick mind.

  12. The central question is, how much more pain on the nation and its citizen is Biden capable of committing?

    The democrats only care about the damage he does to their political futures and that is what we all have to remind them of until they do finally remove him, for their own survival.

    If Republicans do, indeed take the House and Senate they need to pass a law forcing the executive take annual cognitive test and for the results to be made public, then let the democrats fight to the last ditch protecting Biden from disclosing his true condition until they finally have to remove him or face an even worse election disaster.

    They, meaning the entire democrat party, have to be lashed to Biden and held accountable for his dangerous bungling until it hurts them so much they get rid of him. The sooner this is accomplished the better for all.

    Call my unsympathetic, but he’s not capable of fulfilling the office he’s been installed in and will only continue to damage the nation while he flounders.

  13. Beachmom
    AUGUST 21, 2021 AT 5:00 PM
    “They haven’t used the 25th because they’re trying to figure out how to not make Knee pad Kammy POTUS”

    Easy Peasy.

    1) get rid of Joe Pedo in whatever way maximizes expanding tyranny, probably a false flag CIA operation.
    2) Disqualify Kamel because she’s not a natural born citizen, which is actually TRUE, but it will be the first time they cared since they illegally installed Barry the Indonesian.

    3) President Pelosi.

    …make whoever you want HER Veep from there. Let nasty, evil, murderous, vindictive Nancy punish America for a bit, then force her to step aside for “health reasons”, leaving your pick in charge of a beaten down nation. Present him/her as a saving messiah who will look GOOD after Nancy’s psychotic run, then the REAL gaslighting can begin…

  14. Work only in small groups with people known to you and trusted by you that do not talk.

    Have a room where noise and activity is not likely to be noticed. A hunting cabin would be ideal,and has the added virtue that Luminol tests would be meaningless, should someone become inquisitive, as they do not differentiate between types of blood. Properly situated and sufficiently not discussed, however, this should not be an issue.

    Secure the pedo as roughly as possible. Do not be shy about breaking arms and/or legs, he won’t be using them again. A nail gun or staple gun may be used for speed, but be careful around major vessels. Rope restraint may be an enhancement, however,

    Force into him a massive overdose of Viagra, so (PO works but takes long and may not be practical unless you pregame it or mix with fluids, so IV would be better and don’t be particular about the dose or administration) his heart is on the verge of failure and he has a raging, painful erection before proceeding.

    Flay the skin off it. Undermine the top layer at the anus, then tear it, perineum and all, through the frenulum (and foreskin, if so equipped) over the top and down to his abdomen. Rip the sides off in a similar fashion. Do not use a particuarly sharp skinning knife for when you have to undermine tissue to contine the tear in one unbroken piece. Stuff it in his mouth for effect if desired, but be careful to avoid suffocation. Also, he’ll be in a lot of pain, so be wary of teeth if this enhancement is used.

    Then cut the scrotum open, allowing the testicles to hang freely from the epydidymous/vas deferens/random blood vessels.

    Leave him to bleed to death. Mock at his struggles as desired.

    Add black flies to enhance the experience.

    Add rats to speed it up. Anally if necessary. Let it chew its way out.

    Supply high flow oxygen to both keep him alive as long as possible if circumstance permits, and also to enliven the blood to bring the maxium amount of awareness and conciousness possible, to heighten the senses and fuel the adreneline.

    It’s a lot of messing around with someone you will not allow to leave the room alive, so they won’t learn from the experience.

    But there’s no reason they shouldn’t die as painfully as possible and as slowly as possible as an apertif for the hell to come.

    …and you can always video it for the enjoyment of the next guy, because who doesn’t love to see “coming attractions”, especially if they are going to apply to them…

  15. Retired nurse here. Worked with long term care dementia patients, and would be doing that today, but the requirements related to the virus caused me to step out. I will not have the mystery juice, thank you.
    People with frontal cortex neuropathies don’t know that they have abberant behaviour. They often exibit psychopathic tendencies. In short- it isn’t his fault- he isn’t aware of it. But others, those close to him, are.
    He’s gotta go, somehow. He’s hurting people.
    I have adjusted my name accordingly.

  16. Joey’s a symptom – not the disease.
    Being rid of him won’t cure us.
    The Hate-America culture is both deep and wide – in politics, Academia, the Medea, Sports, Unions, States, and our most “prominent” people. Just as Germans glommed onto Hitler and Russians glommed onto Stalin, many of us are self-deluding morons (see “The Jab” for instance).

    A sad epistolary on America, but true, nonetheless.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. @beachmom: I have three thoughts about why Biden hasn’t been yanked:
    1. They are planning a false-flag shooting of him, and will use that to try gun confiscation.
    2. They want to wait until the midterms are passed so that Harris can serve out the remainder of Biden’s term and still be reelected twice.
    3. The people actually running the show haven’t fully got Kamala under control and they’re afraid she might go rogue and off the script.

  18. The Biden amateur is mastered by grasping greed-saturated globalists who also prop up his wind-sock body to make it appear as though he’s “stable”. Dance with devils and there’s he!! to pay.


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