Biden extends TSA mask mandate for 15 more days – IOTW Report

Biden extends TSA mask mandate for 15 more days

Where have we heard that shit before?

Following a one-month extension issued in March, the mandate was slated to expire on April 18.
Since the beginning of the plandemic in 2020, airlines have required masks on planes, but the Biden notministration made them mandatory in early 2021. Because they are know-nothing assholes.
article here

11 Comments on Biden extends TSA mask mandate for 15 more days

  1. “ It said the mandate will stay in effect through May 3‘. Five bucks say the feds will lift the “mandate” on May 3. They need to keep luring people into submission by occasionally keeping their word, then they can pop up and reinstate whatever “emergency” measures they want while the citizens fall into the trap of actually believing them.

    The feds saw they can jerk rights away because of an “emergency” so expect more “emergencies” in the not-too-distant future.

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