Biden falls repeatedly going up stairs – IOTW Report

Biden falls repeatedly going up stairs

Biden stumbles while walking up the stairs to Air Force One

I like how no one rushes up to help him. 🤣

h/t PHenry.

86 Comments on Biden falls repeatedly going up stairs

  1. Benito the Bombed Beaner
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 12:30 PM


    …I guess YOU remember the Ford jokes Bonito, great minds…

  2. …I’d help him.

    …over the SIDE.

    Preferably in front of an engine.

    I don’t care how feeble he is now.

    It doesn’t make up for his raping children, and even his own grandkids.

    There’s not enough “bad” that can happen to him to make up for that.

    FUCK that old pervert.

    Fuck him to DEATH.

  3. They need to install one of those lift chairs for stairs. He walks like he has a diaper full or a stick up his ass. Remeber how the made fun of Trump walking down that slippery walkway at West Point.

  4. This can be easily solved with an escalator or a excavator. The escalator to assist with Dementia Joe’s access to Forced Air One, and an excavator to dig a grave for this walking dead brained man. I bet they will stop the press access to these fumbling, stumbling, bumbling events in a few months.

  5. What the hell. They were ready to 25th amendment President Trump out of office for holding a glass with two hands. Everybody in the world can see this, even with the press black-out.

  6. joe6pak
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 12:27 PM
    “But why are the people that are paid to protect him not helping?”

    …it would make him “look weak”. Which they are not allowed to do.

    Even though he IS.

    …optics, man, optics…

    …also, remember when Hillary went off on a Secret Service guy for not carrying her suitcase? IIRC, there’s a rule that they can’t have anything in their hands (including a pervert fake “president” or leave off the watching for threats to do ANYTHING else…

  7. joe6pak: I would imagine they are not allowed to help him because they wouldn’t be able to respond to an attack if they are holding on to him. This would be similar to them refusing to carry Hillary’s baggage. Not to be facetious, but to actually suggest a reason.

  8. MJA
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 12:45 PM
    ““FUCK that old pervert.

    Fuck him to DEATH.”

    OK I scrolled and only caught that part and I went: “Eeeeeeew!!!”

    …I don’t mean the pleasant kind, but rather the kind HE does to children.

    Maybe if he has something forced into a hole in HIS body so big that it tears HIS orifice open so hard he’d need episiotomy stitches before it could even BEGIN to heal, but leave HIS asshole bleed so he looks like he’s on the rag from his ass, and if someone crams an object in HIM so far it rips his intestines and causes HIS shit to mingle with his blood as it fills his belly from the inside, maybe THAT would be a good START on the prison fucking HE deserves to die from…

  9. I told you yesterday not to hold your breath for a March 25th Press Conference.

    Five will get you ten, save that weekend for a Kamala swearing in as President.

  10. I’d feel sorry for the old man but because he’s Joe Biden. The only thing that would have made it funnier was if he rolled back down the stairs and broke his neck!


  11. Hearse, you bet. In question is whether his body will be put in a glass sarcophagus and on display in perpetuity in the Capitol Rotunda ala Lenin.

    I suppose that Barry Soetoro will have to approve of that though.

  12. As an alternative source of transportation for old crazy joe, one of his BFF’s, Pierre Delecto could drive him to his destination strapped in a dog carrier on the roof of his car!

  13. Larry’s Brother
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 12:51 PM
    “Joe, Life Alert called. They’d like you to audition for a new ad.

    He’s fallen and he can’t get up!”

    …I actually went to a call where the dispatcher toned us out with “Medical Alert report of woman who’s fallen and can’t get up” with a little snicker in his voice, because those commercials were just getting big then. Yep, we all had a good yuk as we rolled out.

    Until we got there and found the 80 year old osteoporotic woman on the floor with who had tripped onto her linoleum kitchen floor and caught part of a wooden step stool on the way down, fracturing her pelvis and disarticulating her hip, so much so that the femoral head was actually visibly protruding against her skin from the inside, so her leg was at a crazy, useless angle relative to the rest of her body. She had some paralysis, but that didn’t do anything about the pelvic pain, although she was pretty screamed out by the time we got there and could only moan in foaming agony.

    …wasn’t so funny anymore after that.

    Those things are a Godsend. They’ve saved many lives.
    I got one for my own mother.
    And I’ve never laughed at them again…

  14. They’ll roll Air Force One up to the sky way from now on and we’ll get to watch Biden arrive and depart through a regular boarding gate from now on.

    Either that or the cameras won’t be allowed past the motorcade at the airport.

  15. I keep thinking of that video of Hillary tripping as she was entering an airplane, then the funny video that followed of Trump hitting a golf ball and hitting her, causing her to fall. Meme-makers, get busy!

  16. Right now, the entire MSM and much of Washington DC is populated with nothing but British pet shop owners whose sole objective is to deny the current condition of the parrot America just took home.

  17. “We’ll take a chance on him falling; the optics of having someone help him up the stairs would be awful”.
    First we had Ariel (Sharon) the Artichoke; could Biden the Brussel Sprout be next?

  18. Where was Dr. Jill? She might be helping coordinate Operation, “President Harris” by letting demented Uncle Joe Xiden stumble or by other means, make his way into a hellish eternity – ASAP.

  19. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 3:15 PM

    ”’In front of an Engine!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tears buddy and Cheers!”

    Thanks. I like planes and don’t want to damage them, but I figure if they’re designed to be able to handle a turkey launched with a cannon into the blades, then a disease-riddled, sponge-brained, noodle-armed geriatric pervert should go through them just fine, but I would DEFINITELY want the poor mechanics who have to clean up the mess to treat it as toxic waste indeed…

  20. Official White House statement? It was windy.

    So he’s a cardboard cut out?

    These people don’t even lie creatively.

    Trump used a fresnel lens to focus the sun’s rays into his eyes.
    Everybody knows that.


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