Biden ‘Family Source’ Smears Frank Biden as an “Alcoholic” After He Suggests Joe Biden is Terminal – IOTW Report

Biden ‘Family Source’ Smears Frank Biden as an “Alcoholic” After He Suggests Joe Biden is Terminal

This is turning into a Jerry Springer episode.

26 Comments on Biden ‘Family Source’ Smears Frank Biden as an “Alcoholic” After He Suggests Joe Biden is Terminal

  1. Telling us he’s an alcoholic isn’t telling us anything.
    The important question is, has he been drinking lately?

    p.s. Go to an AA meeting and they’ll all tell you that they’re alcoholics, even the ones who’ve been sober 30 years.

  2. He looks pretty buff in the Gateway photographs, Mabe he drinks and works out. Don’t think any of the other Biden’s do (except maybe drink and do drugs).

  3. This article’s headline gave me a terrific idea! The Dems could save a boatload of money on printing costs if at the convention they nominate Hunter for Pres and keep Kakamala for Veep.

  4. I think he’s not dead, but the criminals who run the party are not quite ready to let Kamala assume the Presidency, because it will be nigh impossible to shiv her at the convention. It’s all spinning out of their control, and it couldn’t happen to a better bunch of chaos agents.

    The irony of it is that they put Biden in office using covid, and they killed off hundreds of old people in the process. Now their old man puppet is probably lying in a hospital, dying on a ventilator.

  5. My money is on advanced Alzheimer’s for Joe. Memory loss, crapping himself, delirious, cranky. I’ve seen it before. One friend went from healthy to gone in just 4 months. I’m betting that they let him die in office instead of removing him for the sake of dignity. Either way, Kamala comes into the election as the incumbent.

  6. Uncle Al
    MONDAY, 22 JULY 2024, 20:21 AT 8:21 PM

    “p.s. Go to an AA meeting and they’ll all tell you that they’re alcoholics, even the ones who’ve been sober 30 years.”

    …I’ve never been to an AA meeting, but I have reasons to agree with this philosophy.

    I was quite the little tosspot in my teens and early 20s, somehow surviving the drunken knife fights only because it amused God to do so, but after waking up on a bathroom floor one too many times half-naked in a puddle of stale beer scented stomach contents with no memory of how I got there, not necessarily all of it being mine, and the coldness of the floor eventually penetrated my squelching brain enough to realize that wasnt a sustainable trajectory. Having cleared the fog from my frontal lobes, a Lord I didnt know sent me first a career path that was antethetical to souses and then sent me the love of a good woman to get me away from it, and then called me to am altar to keep me away, and its been over 3 decades since I so indulged.

    But its there, that weakness, always has been and always will be.

    Because of that, I still consider myself an alcoholic, no matter the distance from my last drink. I would no more take another drink than I would smoke crack or inject Fentanyl, and for the same reason; the risk of addiction to something that bit me hard enough to draw blood once already is too great.

    Once bitten, twice shy, I suppose. Other men without the predisposition of the Irish may laugh at me, but for me its no laughing matter.

    Long dry though I be, I am an alcoholic and ever shall be, and I will comport myself accordingly.

    I would imagine that those AA folks would tell you the same.

  7. Biden may or may not be “terminal,” but it is highly likely that they have already MURDERED HIM. What is sad is that 99% of liberals simply won’t care so long as someone who can beat Trump gets the nomination.

  8. The Biden Crime Family is on a trajectory of elimination by the Deep State. Cue the “Godfather” theme song after the election. Frank may be telling the truth, but that’s not going to go well for him.

  9. Frank Biden has admitted for a long time that he is an alcoholic. He’s also 12 years younger than Joe, so it’s not particularly unusual he doesn’t speak with him regularly. Yes, Frank has some skeletons in his closet (some serious), but so far as I can tell not to the level of Hunter and James or Jill.

    One question that no one is asking is if Joe Biden is too infirm to run for President, why is he still President?

  10. @ mr liberty, murdered him, oh please, it was his choice, as a man. Unlike Trump who is pussy! Beat the “Con Man”/aka Project 2024? Please enlighten us if there us ANYTHING more important to all Americans, fuk Project 2024.

  11. @ Wyatt, because he is still President, just because he chose to step out doesn’t mean he can’t finish his term. But you wallow in a Republicon dream & while you wallow in that dream please watch as your ole fart follows suit. Too old for office, both were warned America/Americans don’t want a senior citizen as President.

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