Biden: “Four more years of George, ah eeeeh ahh, George…” – IOTW Report

Biden: “Four more years of George, ah eeeeh ahh, George…”

Just The News: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared Sunday to misidentify the man he is running against. While emphasizing the importance of the 2020 election because of “who I’m running against,” Biden then began to identify former President George W. Bush, until he backtracked and said “Trump.” watch

21 Comments on Biden: “Four more years of George, ah eeeeh ahh, George…”

  1. This doesn’t mean a thing. Everyone his age who is suffering from dementia has occasional lapses of memory and forgetfulness. Dr. Jill sure is something special. She remembered who is kicking her Poor Joey’s ass from one end of this country to the other.

  2. ‘but was so obviously so lucid and in control of his thinking and words during the last debate?’

    No he just wasn’t ‘stuttering’ at the moment. lol. He let some stuff slip out that he shouldn’t have. And he had no knowledge of obvious and true historical facts. Just like Kamala with the Lincoln / SCOTUS lie. That was so dumb even the Left shook their heads.

  3. @Anonymous — If you listen carefully to him in the debates, his isn’t all that lucid and in control. In the final debate he started losing it at the end and was only saved because the moderator called “time.” If he’d been allowed to continue or if the debate went another ten or fifteen minutes we would have watched the mainspring unwind on him.

    And in his most lucid moments, he was all word salad — same BS he’s been spouting for 47 years on the reelection stump. Not hard to do when you’ve been repeating the same junk for 47 years. There were zero details on all the wonderful stuff he plans on doing as president. And he completely fell off the cliff with his proclamation about ending the American oil industry.

    And I truly believe he’s been juiced for the debates by their own version of Dr. Feelgood. Hillary did it too.

  4. Remember how he has called Trump Reagan, Bush (both Bushes) and if I remember correctly, he called him Lincoln, once? And that was all in Summer.
    Look, fat, 😀 if you’re running against an opponent who is soooo hitler-y and bad for the country, shouldn’t you be able to remember his name???
    Come on, maaaan!

  5. It’s not just a gaffe here, and a misspeak there. It is a pattern, it is obvious, and it is frankly damning.

    I demand lucidity, coherence, and competency in the guy with the nuclear football 24/7 and so should you.

  6. The lovely couple look very tired and ragged – they look awful. It isn’t because they are keeping up a busy rigorous campaign schedule. My guess is that the stress from the laptopfromhell is really taking a toll.

  7. …no, not either George Bush,, he actually meant KING George III, that’s the first guy HE ran against because he didn’t think he was tyrannical enough.

    He’s pretty far gone now,, and the more senile you get, the further back you need to go for a memory…

  8. Jill’s mouth popping open when he says ‘George’… she’s in the habit of finishing Biden’s sentences.

    My mom had Alzheimer’s. We all ended up trying to help her finish sentences.

  9. I friggin despise Mr. & Mrs. Corn Pop. We are not a serious country with these pedophile imbeciles paraded around as esteemed moral “leaders”. Gheesh. Hand me another puke bucket.

  10. Michael Savage had it right a few months back. ‘Doc’ Biden should be investigated for elder abuse. And to another point. How much is she getting paid for doing this?


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