Biden Fundraiser Quits Democrat Party and Joins GOP – IOTW Report

Biden Fundraiser Quits Democrat Party and Joins GOP

GP: The news for Old Joe Biden continues to get worse as a former diehard supporter of his has ditched the Democratic Party and revealed the reasons why.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Biden’s poll numbers have cratered to all-time lows, and he trails Trump in almost every swing state.

Will Pierce served as a Biden fundraiser during the 2020 Presidential campaign and was the executive director of Draft Biden 2016. He also worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns.

Pierce appeared on Fox and Friends First on Tuesday to outline why he decided to leave the Democrat plantation. He concisely explained how the party has completely abandoned its traditional views and solely focuses on dividing the American people. more

13 Comments on Biden Fundraiser Quits Democrat Party and Joins GOP

  1. Just Sayin’
    WEDNESDAY, 13 DECEMBER 2023, 8:11 AT 8:11 AM

    Perhaps that was back when Joe was just a nasty mean old man, before he reached full Potato mode, or je had a falling out with Joetato’s puppeteers, maybe not getting his turn to run Joe…

  2. When asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “Because that’s where the money is.” Not to put too fine a point on it, but the GOP is flush — mostly onnacount of Trump — compared to Biden’s war chest. What’s more, there’s been a lot of news in the past six months about mega-donors withdrawing their support for Biden and the DNC.

    Professional fund-raisers and political operatives have highly transitional skills, it matters not which party or organization to which they hitch their wagon. It does help, however, to be very public and very loud about your miraculous ideological awakening. It’s very reassuring to the donor class.

    Don’t read too much into his Road to Damascus epiphany.


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