Biden Gets BOOED at Super Bowl During Creepy PSA – IOTW Report

Biden Gets BOOED at Super Bowl During Creepy PSA

Populist Press:

Sunday, shortly before the kickoff of Super Bowl LV, President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden spoke on the grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jill Biden thanked the health care workers for their sacrifices and urged viewers to practice protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Fans at the game have said the Biden’s were booed when they came on the screen. read more

32 Comments on Biden Gets BOOED at Super Bowl During Creepy PSA

  1. Had Bush and Dominion been there it would have been cheers form a million fans. I know less than 100,00 were there; btr BushDominion can fabricate fans!

    Do not misunderestimate Dominion!

    The cardboard cut-out fans booed the Bidens???… You can’t make this shit up… and yet they did.
    I wonder what these ass-clowns in DC would do if half the population woke-up on 4 July 2021 and decided to ignore them and rendered them irrelevant?

  3. “Jill Biden thanked the health care workers for their sacrifices…”

    …somewhat OT, but enough of THIS.

    You don’t thank a dishwasher for risking his life putting his arms in other people’s spit all night long.

    You don’t thank a janitor for risking his life cleaning up COVID snot ejected by Muslims all over the plumbing fixtures when they clean out their nostrils in the sink all night long.

    You don’t thank the guy at the uniform company who risks his life picking up all the funky scrubs and white coats from the hospital COVID ward every day, not to mention the dirty bed linens, and the snot rags must be EPIC.

    …but THESE people probably have much MORE risk, have much LESS reward, and CERTAINLY get NONE of the pretiege.

    Heath care workers are great. Glad someone’s doing it.

    But it’s a JOB. Working with sick people with human transmissible diseaes is a JOB. A risk of infection is PART of the JOB, and you KNEW that from Day 1 of nursing/doctoring/respiratory therapy/bedpanning school that you COULD get sick WORKING IN A BUILDING FULL OF SICK PEOPLE!

    …seriously, its the JOB. You get thanked every time you get a paycheck. If THAT’S not enough and the Chink Stink is still too scary for you, then GO GET ANOTHER JOB.

    …sheesh, if you’re gonna get jumpy and scardey every time someone sniffles or has a fever, maybe health care isn’t a good field for you…

    …oh, and BTW, Joe Biden is not President, the election was stolen, Jill Biden is a fraudulent first lady, football is divisive Marxism, and the only way that men can become women is in the metaphorical sense when they are in the GOP-E looking for a Democrat to surrender to, and even THEN they aren’t very good WOMEN, either…

  4. Did she forget to say that we should all wear masks to protect our dogs? I hate it when dogs are given more sanctity of the life than unborn babies are, not that dogs aren’t important but unborn babies are far more important than dogs and other pets ever will be.

  5. I guess they turned the Piss Cam on the Worst Family to accompany the Black National Anthem.

    Sorry I missed the Toilet Bowl on TV last night; I had socks that needed to be counted.

  6. Ann Thracts FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 9:13 AM
    “…Worst Family…”

    I like it. It’s accurate, and can be continued to “Worst Lady”, “Worst Son”, and whatever OTHER fraud the Biden/Harris/Jinping/Soros/Soetoro administration adds in future.

    Thank you for that, 1000 TUs!

  7. @ Nunya

    Just for technical clarity – Air Force 1 is any plane carrying the president at that moment. The article even mentions it.

    There is no single plane that is always AF1.

    So the premise of the article is a nothing burger. Disgust that it isn’t a 747, like usual? Dumb outrage. Let’s not get ridiculous like the left is.

  8. Those fake cardboard dead people in the stands booed. The number of people killed by the DemoncRAT party via Covid and abortions, are all represented by cardboard cutouts of people who were deemed dispensable. Make no mistake in thinking that there’s anything to cheer about with this stolen election and evil in charge. Booing? No booing, words are better like “FO!”

  9. I watched the game but skipped ALL the pre-game shit, the “poet” and the Jimi Hendrix/Lenny Krabshits wanna be. The second Joe & Jill popped up I changed the channel until Kickoff.

    I was liked the game & was very happy Tom Brady & Gronk Won. The SJW’s were pissed. Mahomes is a very good quarterback but when you pay him $500,000,000 to play, I automatically go for the guy who works harder, longer and keeps out of politics.

  10. @the claw of bluegrass
    I wonder what these ass-clowns in DC would do if half the population woke-up on 4 July 2021 and decided to ignore them and rendered them irrelevant?

    I’ve been ignoring Biteme for almost 54 years now – even when he was Vice Pedo for 8 years. I’ve been ignoring him since the nomination, and unless he starts sniffing MY kids, I plan to KEEP on ignoring him as Pedo-in-Chief. 🙄

  11. …have to take your word for it that its creepy, though. Not only do I not watch anything NFL, I have never stood to listen to a single word that fraudulent pedophile says, nor will I obey them.

    So while I’m sure its as creepy as they look and as all Democrats are, I had my fill of mentally ill people back when they PAID me to deal with them, so I’m certainly not going back for MORE on my OWN time…

  12. …I like this from the article’s comment section, tho…

    From commenter “Re-Elect Donald Trump”

    “A their, a pedophile, and a rapist walk into a bar

    Bartender sez: “What can I get you Mr. Biden?”

    (Although I would have left “Mr.” off, he doesn’t even deserve THAT…)

  13. …soon…

    “The audience exploded into applause. Every person in the room jumped up and began to wildly clap, as if racing each other to see who could get to their feet the fastest. The applause was all to honor the dictator Joseph Stalin at a 1937 conference of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.

    But the big question soon became: Who would have the nerve to be the first person to stop clapping in honor of Comrade Stalin? No one had the courage, so the clapping went on…and on…and on.”

  14. Joe walks into a bar with a frog on his head and orders a beer.
    The bartender, starring at him and then the frog sez: “Whutz up with that?”
    The frog sez: “It started out as a wart on my ass!”

  15. TRF
    FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 11:28 AM

    “Q: What do you call someone who takes self defense advice from Joe Biden? A: The deceased”

    …or…”A. Murderer is what they’ll call you when it turns out you shot the UPS guy through the door…”

  16. Shotgun, The easiest AND hardest tool for self defense.

    Remember folks, you are responsible for where every pellet/shot/BB/Slug hit or go through.
    Spread, over penetration, blinding flash, length and recoil.
    Make an educated choice but please practice.


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