Biden Gives Ukraine $ 250 million – IOTW Report

Biden Gives Ukraine $ 250 million

United States announced the allocation of a new package of military assistance to Kyiv for $ 250 million

I Z: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday, August 29, announced the allocation of a new package of US military assistance to Ukraine. The briefing was broadcast on the official YouTube channel of the White House.

“Today, the administration of [U.S. President Joe] Biden and [Vice President Kamala] Harris is announcing a new military assistance package for Ukraine to meet Kiev’s critical security and defense needs,” Jean-Pierre said.

She specified that the assistance package will include, among other things, additional mine-clearing equipment, missiles for air defense systems, ammunition for artillery and HIMARS systems, as well as more than 3 million rounds of ammunition.

According to the US State Department , published on the website , the cost of weapons transferred under this package will be $250 million. more

14 Comments on Biden Gives Ukraine $ 250 million

  1. In NY they get creative; there’s an approximate 9% surcharge on health insurance benefits paid to hospitals (thanks Mario). More recently, if you get several traffic tickets, after you’ve paid the fine and court surcharge, you’ll get a bill from the DMV – they call it a driver responsibility assessment fee. A friend got two speeding tickets in 6 months, he got a bill for $300 from the DMV.

  2. “Biden Gives Ukraine $ 250 million” That reads as though joek sent them a personal check…. “biteme give ukraine 250 million AMERICAN taxpayer dollars” Is more like it…

  3. “I thought Congress – the House- controls appropriations.”

    The House does.
    And the House is a sewer of fecklessness, corruption, and cowardice.
    You can just about guarantee that every Member and Senator is getting a cut – after laundering, of course.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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