Biden Goes Full Fascist – but Trips All Over Himself in the Process – IOTW Report

Biden Goes Full Fascist – but Trips All Over Himself in the Process

RedState –
By Nick Arama

How is Joe Biden dealing with the high gas prices?

As we reported earlier, he ordered that there would a release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve — one million barrels a day for 180 days — to help lower the prices. This is an incredibly bad move — robbing our savings account at a time of great inflation and world instability — that does nothing to increase our long-term production. We’re only supposed to be using it in an emergency, which is not this when there are other options.

Why is he doing this now? For purely selfish political reasons — his numbers and those of the Democrats are in the dumpster. He knows that unless they do something, the Republicans are going to wipe them out big time in the election. Funny how that 180 days leads us right up to the month before the midterms It’s just wrong to endanger national security this way, especially when we have plenty of oil to provide for our own needs and the needs of our allies. We’re just not focusing on increasing production for energy independence because of the Biden/Democratic position against fossil fuels.

But White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain heralded the announcement of the release as “HISTORIC.” more

17 Comments on Biden Goes Full Fascist – but Trips All Over Himself in the Process

  1. Biden is too dumb to twist things like the Defense Production Act like this. His puppet masters are using every trick in the book to find things they can distort for their use.
    If companies weren’t so woke they would tell Biden to pound sand. Besides, the rare earth minerals that are needed to produce car batteries come from China and Africa. As do the materials to make the windmills.
    These people think they’re Captain Picard, “Make it so”.

    Yup. If they stay in power for 2 1/2 more years this country is either doomed or people are going to revolt and ignore them.

  2. Meanwhile, his own DoE head says the high gas prices are “good” for us and that we need to get used to them. The democrats are a many headed hydra, and every head is a fucking idiot living in its own stupid little world.

  3. “unite with us,”
    The true criminals of the world.

    If they break into the national fuel reserves, will they thank TRUMP for filling it up?
    I know the answer, just thought I’d ask.

  4. Although if they drain the fuel reserve, we won’t have any to fight the war when it comes to our borders.
    Assuming they haven’t actually dumped it already.

  5. …I only recall one other time the Defense Production Act was invoked for realz. It was after 9/11 and they wanted to ramp up MRE production for obvious reasons, and as a producer we used the DPA to get priority at all our suppliers for components, cartons, bags, etc, not to force them to do something they weren’t doing, but to put us at the head of the line for something they did for us anyway, because they had commercial customers to.

    It was an ACTUAL war, and that’s pretty much all we used it for.

    This is NOT the same thing.

    There’s no war (except by the Pedo admin against America), its making OEMs do things they don’t normally do, and because of that they do not have the suppliers to support THEIR dramatic repuposing, which means DPA will have to be invoked to force THEM to do something different as well.


    …businesses aren’t governments, they *have* to make money, they can’t print it. Since you can’t develop a product and retool for it with a handwave, its going to be pretty unprofitable for a long while even if there’s a forced market for it, and then there’s liabiliy for your new product unless they plan on waving THAT away too…

  6. The left has not backed off of their insane leftist policies one inch even though they see the poles are predicting an absolute slaughter in the mid terms. It’s almost as if they’re relying on fraudulent voting practices to prop them up. They’d never sink that low though.

  7. And when the SHTF and they need the oil from the reserves that is no longer there,we will all be asked to suspend unnecessary driving or driving period for the good of the country.
    Sounds more like a sinister plan to me.

  8. To reduce oil prices and decrease gasoline prices, the best remedy for the United States is to have a vibrant oil industry. This is exactly the industry attacked by the Biden Administration.

    The release of the strategic oil reserves is a stop gap measure with a small impact on immediate prices at the cost of long term oil price increases and creating a breach of National Security.

    Like most Biden decisions, this too appears to have a sinister, nation destroying impact.

  9. Greasing the skids to the nation’s demise.

    Hello $8 a gallon by July.

    I’m even more disappointed in the stupidity of people that think the Dems have their best interests at heart.

    They just can’t put two and two together. It’s like they’re in a trance and zombie walk through life.


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