Biden Handlers Execute ‘Short Con’ Aimed at Gaslighting Low Information Voters – IOTW Report

Biden Handlers Execute ‘Short Con’ Aimed at Gaslighting Low Information Voters

DMF: “The shell game is also known as a “short con” because it is quick, simple, and easily executed, and it can be reversed whenever the trickster feels like it. Biden’s new ersatz toughness on fiscal matters, the border, inflation, and the rest is a short con. His policy seems to move, but it is all sleight of hand.

Biden’s sudden efforts to cast himself as tough on immigration, an issue on which he is 44 points underwater in polls because of the disaster he’s created on the southern border. His abject mismanagement drew a record 2 million-plus illegal immigrants into the United States in 2022, five times as many as in the year before he took office. MORE

13 Comments on Biden Handlers Execute ‘Short Con’ Aimed at Gaslighting Low Information Voters

  1. Keep calling Jackass Joe the Short Con and that demented moron will stand beside the podium and whip it out… especially if you tell him the people in the gallery are female secret service agents!!

  2. Directed at useful idiots, it’s not even gaslighting – it’s just affirmations. To the rest of us – who are not narcissistic idiots – it’s a titanic lie worthy of not less scummy people like the Nazis.

  3. One correction: the article says Biden has let in 2 million illegals since he was inaugurated. According to the LA Times, last summer, it was twice that many then. And much more by now.


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