Biden-Harris Will Finish Trump’s Border Wall, Won’t Appeal Court Order – IOTW Report

Biden-Harris Will Finish Trump’s Border Wall, Won’t Appeal Court Order

The Biden Administration will not appeal a court order obtained by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey requiring it to finish construction of the federally-funded southwest border wall required by a law passed during the Trump Administration.

“This is a huge win for the Constitution and the rule of law,” AG Bailey told CNS News Tuesday in an exclusive statement, adding that the administration’s decision to abide by the court order shows that Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris finally realizes both the ineffectiveness and political cost of her failed border policies:

“Our victory just became final as Kamala Harris is desperate to distance herself from the disastrous policies she enacted as border czar. Her decision not to appeal is proof that even she realizes how detrimental the open border has been for the American people.” more

13 Comments on Biden-Harris Will Finish Trump’s Border Wall, Won’t Appeal Court Order

  1. Because they view it as a positive for the election they will not appeal.
    If this ruling had been just a year ago they would have it tied up in the courts.

  2. Yeah, but they didn’t say when they would finish it, did they? As long as we’re talking wannabe Marxist dictators like Biden/Harris, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  3. @Irate Nate:

    Yeah, but they didn’t say when they would finish it, did they?

    Ya beat me to it; that was my first thought, also. Standard dishonest pol playbook entry: Say you’ll do something and then just sit there with your thumb in your stink hole.

  4. Yes, they’ll get right on it…in the usual passive-aggressive manner of a petulant child. The government doesn’t move quickly enough to matter. As others above stated, it is pure political posturing.

  5. shoeing a dead mule
    the U.S.A. is now richer by some 30 million who will neither learn English nor care anything about our law and custom
    and no effort will be made to remove any more than .001% of them (500), besides which the pResident will grant these invaders citizenship as his last act before he leaves office; that’ll be in january well after the election.

  6. Closing the border after 15 million illegal (law breakers) are in the country and many are registered to vote Demoncrat. She doesn’t give 2 cents for the U.S. Citizen


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