Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers – IOTW Report

Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers The federal government has started purchasing COVID-19 equipment and hiring advisors on “safety protocols” amidst speculation the Biden White House will reinstate pandemic-era lockdowns and mandates, War Room can reveal.

The unearthed government contracts from entities including the Department of Defense (DOD) show millions in taxpayer funds being used to purchase COVID-19 equipment such as test kits. Some of the contracts, which are traceable via the federal government’s spending database, are even scheduled to begin in future months such as September and October. MORE

31 Comments on Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers

  1. I will never again accept your chains.

    And there are many who feel as I do.

    Try it and you may win, for a time, but you will have far fewer enforcers working for you than before you started, and you will have killed your most valuable assets and have no one left to feed your war machine or fill your coffers.

    And be sure you won’t get us all. We will make Afghanistan seem a Sunday picnic, should you choose to travel further down the road of medical oppression.

    You will either come to Jesus and repent of this tyranny, or be sent very suddenly and forcefully before Him to be judged for it.

    Your choice.

    Choose wisely.

    And be sure that God is not mocked.

  2. They can kiss my ass if they expect me to wear a friggin mask again to protect me from COVID. I was already hospitalized for 2 weeks last October for COVID and I’m not worried that I can get it again. Who the hell do these arrogant assholes think we are to once again fall for another plandemic to make us sheep willing to be slaughtered for no reason.

  3. I didn’t comply the first time and won’t comply this time. As I would tell someone in every state I went into who couldn’t believe I wasn’t wearing a mask, “legislatures make laws, not Governors, not Mayors and not county commissioners.” They can’t force you to wear a mask, if they fine you, sue the hell out of them.

  4. They’re literally trying to wreck the country. The democrats are filth. How many fat purple haired bitches and stupid white-haters do they think they have available to enforce all this?

  5. Airlines are training to start mid Sept. Back to complete lock down through the next election, so they can keep the cheat of mail in ballots in play. Obama executive order #13603, March 16, 2012 , will allow the govt to seize control of everything, food, fuel, electrical grids, military, and cancel the election, in the event of an emergency.
    The only question is what fake emergency will they pick, nuclear war, alien invasion, or plandemic.

  6. I’m 63 years old, hoping to work till 68. But, the company I work for went all-in on the last round, and I don’t expect anything different this time. I managed to stay shot-free, but did have to wear a mask every time I went in to one of our stores. Maybe they’ll let me work from home this time, who know. I know I can’t afford to lose my job, but I’m not going to comply, so who knows what will happen

  7. We can only hope they go thru with it. That’s the best chance for The Cheat to be overwhelmed. And anyone who says it can’t be is either a chinaman posting from chyyyynaaaaa, an NGO sock puppet, or a complete loser.

  8. @the sheriff is near: I like the cut of your jib! But is it a genoa or a full-cut working jib?

    Other possible uses for masks:

    (1) Snot rag
    (2) Pet poop grabber
    (3) Car wax applicator
    (4) Toilet bowl wipe
    (5) Make up remover (Not that our women need makeup!)
    (6) Window washing
    (7) Nose bleeds

  9. -“We’re all in this together.” (But, otherwise, you’re a bigoted racist who poses an existential threat to democracy if you’re not democrat)
    – “Stay safe.”
    – “X number of days to flatten the curve.”
    – “X number of additional days to flatten the curve.”
    – “No alcohol served past 5:00 p.m., 25% capacity at establishments.”
    – “We need a hundred thowsun ventilatahs!”
    – Grocery store floors with dots every six feet to show you where to stand.
    – Fellow citizens mouthing off at those who are not wearing masks.
    – Choreographed dance routines on Tik Tok from the “Front-line hero nurses.”

    It’s all coming back. I feel sick right now.

  10. I’m noticing people in a Publix wearing them as chin straps (nose exposed) as they did when they were showing their ptotecti g the world virtue signaling a couple years ago.

  11. Fuck ’em. Every last one of the wanna-be dictators. I did NOT COMPLY the first time they tried their bullshit. I will not comply when they do it again. The first autocrat that tells me to COMPLY with ANY of their “mandates” to “keep us safe” will be getting their teeth knocked down their throat, along with their fucking mask.


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