Biden has already ‘failed’ | Chris Salcedo – IOTW Report

Biden has already ‘failed’ | Chris Salcedo

Chris Salcedo on Joe Biden’s handling of the chaos in the Capitol, the future of America under a Biden Administration and more – via Newsmax TV’s ‘The Chris Salcedo Show.’

19 Comments on Biden has already ‘failed’ | Chris Salcedo

  1. “Biden has already ‘failed’ ”

    Depends on what was expected of him. I’d say that the mere fact that he continues to have a pulse and can breathe on his own without mechanical assistance (provided he can continue to do so at least until just after they get him sworn in) would prove that he has “succeeded” in his primary objective, which was to dislodge Trump (regardless of how that might have been achieved). Anything beyond that is just gravy.

  2. Trump’s error was that he tried to throw the money changers from our temple. For this, he is being scourged and beaten, his battered body to be dragged around Washington DC as a warning to others that free speech kills. God save America

  3. Remember he told his supporters he didn’t need their vote. It doesn’t matter what the goon says. As a failure there’s nothing he can say that will suddenly make him fail. He’s the personification of the word failure, before, during, and after everytime he opens his mouth.

  4. “We fought the swamp and the swamp won.”

    We have to accept non-binary gender, any-sex marriage, abortion as birth control, lies and untruth as absolute fact, old lady in charge (the ultimate Karen Pelosi), that Satan is dating some girl he met on (WTF?), and that Joe Biden got more votes than Donald J. Trump.

    If we can’t get with program we will be found to be obsolete.

  5. Those around the world that aren’t crying at the loss of the beacon of light this country represents are laughing at the stupidity of how fat and decadent the spoiled americans are for electing this imbecile.

  6. It can almost be guaranteed that all those democrats with the smug grins will be seeing their sons and daughters off to a pointless war within a year.
    A moron like Biden is sure to stumble into one.

  7. Obsolete Man, I saw that commercial with Satan dating a girl he met over the internet the other night. It was the most vile, evil, disgusting in your face commercial that I’ve ever seen in my life. I may be single but there is no way in hell that I will ever use as a dating site to find a woman that I may be interested in. WTF were they thinking.

  8. It can almost be guaranteed that all those democrats with the smug grins will be seeing their sons and daughters off to a pointless war within a year.

    Their kids don’t enlist. They buy stocks in defense contractors or get unearned board positions in them.


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