Biden Has COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Biden Has COVID-19

FOX: President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday morning, the White House said. 

The president is experiencing a trio of mild symptoms, his doctor said in a letter.

Biden’s symptoms are a runny nose, occasional dry cough and fatigue, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, physician to the president, wrote in a letter.

Biden went to bed feeling fine Wednesday night but did not sleep well, Dr. Ashish Jha, White House COVID-19 response coordinator, told reporters. 

The president has begun treatment with the drug Paxlovid, which is currently authorized for the treatment of “mild-to-moderate COVID-19.” The antiviral drug has been proven to curb the worst effects of the disease, showing positive results of direct viral testing for those at high risk of progressing to severe COVID-19, according to the FDA.  MORE

26 Comments on Biden Has COVID-19

  1. Wild Bill
    JULY 21, 2022 AT 2:19 PM
    “…he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time”

    …well, since his ONLY duty is to sign for whatever destruction Davos orders, pretty sure he can do that standing up or lying down.

  2. His “doodies” will be available for carry out. If you insist on dining in on those doodies, you have to be quadruple-vaXXed and wear a mask (which makes consuming the doodies difficult, but, hey Dem’s can handle it).

    h/t Wild Bill

  3. I don’t believe them.
    He’s so deep into dementia he can no longer function for more than a day a week. They’ve probably given him so many drugs they’re on the verge of overdosing him.
    CBS “news” on the radio actually found a Dr to say he’s in good shape so he won’t be affected much.

  4. One of the democrats tried and true favorite get-out-the-vote schemes is a lavish state funeral. Just sayin’, there’s only 3 -1/2 months left before the midterms.

  5. Very much doubt *Joe has Covid. If so, still not as detrimental as the actual poison jab, which he probably didn’t get either.
    Timing is everything to the left for wicked schemes. *Joe is pointless now. Especially, with his Dementia getting unmanageable. Besides, the The Midterms are the left’s Waterloo and they need a distraction – the Covid plandemic 2.0 is now implemented.
    So, the useless, demented, pervy pResident gets stashed in his lidded basement for an undisclosed amount of time. His Deep State handlers will take it from here…as usual.

  6. Wait, they forgot to add “..and hes very grateful to be fully jabbed, else it would have been much worse!” And I call BS on any Paxlovid involved.. The whole thing, actually. It’s all clown theater for the masses now. Too bad it’s working.

  7. Xray July 21, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    I guess little girls are safe now that Joe has the rona. He can’t smell them.

    I’m pretty sure Humper and Pedo Peter don’t care about smell, from what I’ve seen of those two they want to get right with it.

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