Biden Has Cursed Presidency – Says Progressive Professor – IOTW Report

Biden Has Cursed Presidency – Says Progressive Professor

(John RansomHeadline USA) Progressives are still refusing to come to terms with what Republicans said about Joe Biden when he was running for president—essentially that the country would be doomed with a dotard as president— with a prominent progressive professor blaming magic instead of Biden policies, saying that Biden’s presidency is “cursed,” said the UK’s Guardian newspaper.

“Biden has a cursed presidency,” Larry Jacobs, director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the University of Minnesota said according to the Guardian. “He’s gotten nailed by the continuation of Covid, by inflation being out of control, by a lunatic leader in Russia and now soaring energy prices that are hitting voters in the pocketbook. They want to be able to get gas for their cars and not spend a hundred bucks.”

It’s quite a turnaround for the professor who invited Minnesota native Jake Sullivan to a forum when Sullivan was named national security advisor, so Sullivan could explain to the rest of us why Biden’s foreign policy would be superior to Donald Trump’s management of foreign affairs. more

24 Comments on Biden Has Cursed Presidency – Says Progressive Professor

  1. Biden is just fine.
    It’s the rest of that’s cursed…….with him.
    And democrats.
    And globalists.
    And most republicans.
    And….anything government related.

  2. Cursed? Maybe instead of trying to affirmative action Ms. Kunte Brown Jackson onto the Supremes, maybe he should hire Miss Rudolph, the voodoo lady who lives down in Jefferson county.

  3. “You generally get the luck you work for.”

    Normally I would agree with that statement. But old Joe has the reputation of being one of the dumbest elected officials ever. And now he’s senile. A bad combo. Stolen elections have consequences.

  4. if there is anyone out there that doesn’t recognize that what the Biden malAdministration has yielded and will yield is BY DESIGN, they simply are not to be taken seriously.

  5. A couple of conventions ago the democrats moved to reject God three times in succession. By rejecting God they abandoned God’s blessings so they seem to be cursed but they are actually just going it alone. As rotten, vile, nasty, misbegotten, depraved and corrupt as their leadership is satan surely doesn’t waste much time on them. By design, yes, their destructive yield is indeed by design.

  6. “Biden’s presidency is “cursed,””

    Tone-deaf divorced from reality academics are a dime a dozen and not worth a second of our time.

    Biden told us exactly what he was going to do, and he did all of it; he flooded the nation with illegals (future dem voters), he declared war on fossil fuels, he cheapened our currency by profligate spending, he has chipped away at ALL of our civil liberties, and he has removed American power and morality from the global sphere, allowing authoritarian crazies to fill the vacuum.

    The only “curse” is that the American people aren’t grateful for the road of misery that will ultimately lead to a better world.

  7. When Obama was farting in the white house chairs the media said the presidency was too big for one guy to handle and that the presidency should be split.

    Then we had Trump.

    Now we have another dem who has no concept what being a president is.

    That’s the actual curse. That after 200 years and a civil wah, this nation is still cursed with dems.

  8. “He’s gotten nailed by the continuation of Covid, by inflation being out of control, by a lunatic leader in Russia and now soaring energy prices that are hitting voters in the pocketbook. They want to be able to get gas for their cars and not spend a hundred bucks.”

    Let’s take a look.
    Covid’s a hoax – a seasonal flu that Gov’t took un-Constitutional advantage.
    Inflation is caused by Government – printing money like crazy.
    Russia’s leader has no claim on the US.
    Soaring energy prices are caused by Biden killing both the pipeline and fracking and by restricting drilling on “Federal” lands as well as unnecessary and onerous regulations imposed by Biden’s “green” agenda.

    Pure, unadulterated, sophomoronic lies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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