Biden has several malfunctions during CNN Townhall – IOTW Report

Biden has several malfunctions during CNN Townhall

I see they added some ‘hair’.

Biden’s brain turns to mush… Can’t keep his thoughts straight during CNN Townhall.


20 Comments on Biden has several malfunctions during CNN Townhall

  1. I’m sure they had a “republican” in the audience that asked a pre-scripted question that was pure democrat talking points.
    She will say something like “I voted for Trump in 2016 but I am SO glad you are my president now.”
    Someone will dox her a few days later to find out that she gave $5 Grand to Hillary in 2016.

  2. But the hair looks marvy, they got his skin tight as a drum, the ghastly liver spots are invisible, the wind-down team is backstage to gently deconstruct, and he’s had that stutter since childhood, haters, so..

  3. It makes me cringe to think that anyone could watch this befuddled old fart and tell themselves, “I’m sure glad this guy is the leader of the Free World”.

  4. …the “town hall” was here in Cincinnati and was complete bullshit. It was held in a Catholic college but NO ONE admits to giving it permission to BE there. Even Archbishop Schnurr said it shouldn’t have happened, but that he doesn’t control what they do.

    The audience size was ~500, all hand-selected by questionare beforehand, which included a question “Who did you vote for?”. The questions had to be submitted in writing and you could not deviate from them.

    He also became yet another “president” to lie about the Brent Spence bridge. See, there’s this bridge that carries I-75 to Kentucky that’s been WAYY over capacity as long as I’ve been alive, and EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT comes to Cincinnati when they want money, stand on the Ohio side, and says if we vote them money, they will fix it.

    Every time they get the money.

    And it’s NEVER been fixed.

    …see, one of the problems is that they come to Cincinnati because of its Communist politics, but the bridge belongs to KENTUCKY, not Cincinnati, and despite the election fraud Governor they have that was mostly bulshitted 8n by the teacher’s union, they are mostly Republicans there and ain’t no Democrat gonna do nothing for flyover yokes when they can use the money to bail out blue states yet again.

    So it didn’t get fixed before.

    And it ain’t getting fixed now.

    …you have to love how THIS fraudulent pedophile asshole said it, tho.

    He snapped “We gotta fix that damn bridge of yours going into Kentucky,” when given the scripted question about it. Nice cussing there, Joe, good, pithy response about something you know NOTHING about, and again, it’s KENTUCKY’S bridge.

    I also liked THIS gem;

    “The president also called Republican Gov. Mike DeWine a “good man.””

    …first off, whatever the hell ELSE this syphiliptic usurper is, he’s NOT president.

    Second, no wonder he likes DeWine, DeWines a RINO who went all-in on COVID to make sure elections favored Democrats, even to the extent of defying court orders with his VERY pro-abortion “Health Secretary” Amy Acton to make sure primary elections happened in a way most favorable to Biden.

    …so it’s no surprise why Biden loves thus guy. DeWines’ so in the tank for him, I bet he sends The Pedophile 10% of my Ohio state taxes, just because he loves “The Big Guy” so…

    …anyway, Cincinnati liberals love him. That’s why he comes here, like ALL democrats, because they will swallow his lies and beg for him to squirt MORE on their faces.

    And “local media” has been fully taken over by Communists. Ganett runs the “local paper” that isn’t even printed here any more, and all the TV stations ran off anyone who didn’t cry when Hillary lost, so that’s where this place is at, and why I left it.

    …it’s no secret that The Pedophile has malfunctions, althogh whether as a result of senility, advanced neurosypillus, or both is up for debate m. Nothing this doddering Communist says or does surprises me.

    …but it’s pretty disgusting how this whole region, once rock-ribbed Republican, now wholly belongs to the DNC because of want and need and envy that the DNC created in the FIRST place, and they’re too blind and too brainwashed to even realize the albatross around their neck is rotting, they still think it’s dinner…

  5. If you want the populace to be ignorantly satisfied with bread and circuses, you cannot force it overnight. You have to provide it in increasing abundance, but over generations, while simultaneously controlling flow of info.

    The Communists mastered that by usurping the material plenty of the united States, creating a cycle that can’t ever be broken by anything less than utter catastrophe.

  6. Re: secret service call sign. It probably changes every day, or perhaps even several times a day because Joe gets irritated when the call sign is “wrong.” A typical exchange:

    “Raptor One is moving.”
    “No, dammit, my call sign is Big Bird – not Raptor One.”
    “Uh, o.k. Big Bird is moving.”
    “I hate Big Bird. My nickname is Maximus Erectus. Use that.”

    And so on. So a contest to make up a secret service call sign would result in everyone winning because it has probably been used already.

  7. TRF
    JULY 22, 2021 AT 10:39 AM
    “Jason – I submit “Asshole” for his call sign.
    (We all know they’re thinking it!)”

    “The Pedophile”

    …because everyone KNOWS is.

    No one better than the corrupt Secret Service.

    ..they probably go out and get victims for him…


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