Biden has signed an executive order for a 5.2% federal employee pay raise – IOTW Report

Biden has signed an executive order for a 5.2% federal employee pay raise

By: FEDweek Staff

President Biden has signed an executive order for a 5.2 percent federal employee pay raise in January, with 4.7 percent paid across the board and the funds for the other 0.5 percentage points used for locality pay.

In a routine letter to Congress in September, Biden set an “alternative” raise to be paid by default should no raise figure be enacted into law by year’s end, which just happened as Congress adjourned for the year. The raise is “alternative” to a much larger increase that otherwise would take effect under a 1990 federal pay law of about 24 percent, tallied by the Federal Salary Council.

“I view the increases that would otherwise take effect as inappropriate,” Biden’s letter said. Still, the 5.2 percent figure would be the largest federal pay raise since the 9.1 percent paid in 1980. “This alternative pay plan decision will continue to allow the federal government to employ a well‑qualified federal workforce on behalf of the American people, keeping pace with prior wage growth in the labor market.” more

23 Comments on Biden has signed an executive order for a 5.2% federal employee pay raise

  1. Gee Wally, if there’s “no inflation” then this must be pandering for votes!

    No kidding Beave. That’s why the letter they got informing them oftheir raise ended with “You know who to vote for…”

  2. As a Retired Federal FERS employee (Electronics maint in DOD & DOT) my FERS pension COLA was 2.2%, mandated at 1% BELOW inflation if inflation rises above 2%. And my Social Sec COLA was 3.2%. All based on CPIW inflation numbers. 2024 Income tax brackets show a “bracket creep” of over 5%. So what is the Inflation rate again?

  3. Must be an election year.
    Disabled Veterans receive 3.2% increase.

    Biden overlooking Disabled Veterans and rewarding over-paid and under-worked Federal employees.

    Having received 6 deferrments so he didn’t have to serve in the military during the Vietnam War and his failed leadership during the Afgahnistan cowardly retreat, says it all.


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