Biden Has Spent More Weekends Away From The White House Than At The White House – IOTW Report

Biden Has Spent More Weekends Away From The White House Than At The White House

Palmieri Report-

A CNN article actually just admitted the truth about Joe Biden.

The article from CNN was titled “For Biden, the White House is ‘a Monday-through-Friday kind of place”

The article goes on to admit that Biden has spent more weekends away from The White House than at The White House.

CNN even admits that the number of weekends he has spent away from The White House far exceeds “any modern president’s weekends off-campus at this point in his tenure.”. more here

16 Comments on Biden Has Spent More Weekends Away From The White House Than At The White House

  1. And the media lambasted Trump for spending time in Mara Lago. Bitme and his Delaware White House? It’s just an extension of his basement presidential campaign. Move along, nothing to see here.

  2. I watched Monkey Werx on YouTube for May 25. He pulled up the schedule for Biden. After meeting with G. Floyd’s family he left for DE. Landed and left again a couple hours later to come back to the WH. Left DC around 5 or 6 for DE. Came back to WH at around 9 pm.

    What is the purpose? What a waste.

  3. During the week Joe is diapered so as not to create too much of a mess for the White House domestic staff. Back home every weekend he can foul all the bed sheets, towels and draperies without raising undue attention.
    Other than himself, Joe won’t tolerate leaks!

  4. Biden has not spent even one night or much less, one foot in the white house.. He’s not allowed and the White House is closed.!!!! Read , read read. to find the truth. He was illegally inaugurated two weeks prior to Jan. 20th at fake Whitehouse in California. It was shown on German TV two weeks before Jan. 20th Wake up !!

  5. What’s the difference? He’s not in charge of anything anyway.

    Susan Rice and Anita Dunn run our nation. And they’re determined to run it into the ground.


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