Biden: I Knew Hillary Would Lose Battleground States – IOTW Report

Biden: I Knew Hillary Would Lose Battleground States

Daily Caller: Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that he knew a month before the 2016 election that Hillary Clinton would lose key battleground states.

Biden made the comment during a closed-door appearance with Mitt Romney at the annual Romney-hosted E2 Summit, reports Politico.

Based on his assessment of campaigning in those key battleground states, he said, he knew a month before the election that Clinton would lose them.

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21 Comments on Biden: I Knew Hillary Would Lose Battleground States

  1. Sumtime a thot just jumps into my hed ….. y’no? I be no’in things that I no and some thing’s that I dont’ no and sum things that I no I dun’t no and some things that I think I no but I may no that I dont no so that iM left with wot I no, as posed to wot I don’t know.

    an thas how it was with the secondaury states that Hillay fucked up.

  2. Biden, the brain trust of the democrat party.
    Too damn dumb to be in the private sector, but he was arrogant, corrupt and mentally deficient enough to be a US Senator and Vice President.

  3. Joe, you should have known by 9/12//16. Everybody else did. Just google “Biden to replace Hillary” again–don’t try to tell me you’ve never done that–and almost all the hits are from the week after her street seizure.

    Missed your moment, Joey.

  4. He’d have gotten on his knees and begged if he thought HRC would offer him her Veep slot.

    Now he’s reduced to making Uniparty appearances with, snicker, Romney.

    Please clap.

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