Biden: “I was diagnosed with having a uh, anyway, they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain.” – IOTW Report

Biden: “I was diagnosed with having a uh, anyway, they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain.”

I think he’s talking about his brain aneurysm scare a few decades ago, but still…

13 Comments on Biden: “I was diagnosed with having a uh, anyway, they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain.”

  1. Surgeon:

    “Did you say this is a Democrat?

    “Yes, Doctor.”


    *removes top of skull, looks inside*

    …ahh, there’s the problem. BRING IN THE GIMP, STAT!

    *S&M Pervert from “Kill Bill” storms in*

    “He’s a couple of quarts low. Do your doody.”

    *Gimp grunts, climbs on stand and shits in Pedo’s skull, then leaves without wiping*

    Pedo Joe:
    “I feelz BEDDAR!!! Give me little girls to sniff!”

    “OK, you can close now. He’s good for another three months, unless the leakage rate out of his mouth increases.”

  2. Overheard in the OR after taking off the top of Joe’s head one doc sez to the other:
    “Hey c’mere and take a look at this. Am I seeing things or does this look like an anus to you?”


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