Biden Ignores Hawaii Senator’s Question, Looks Completely Out of It as He Shuffles Off Stage – IOTW Report

Biden Ignores Hawaii Senator’s Question, Looks Completely Out of It as He Shuffles Off Stage

Witness the president at the end of his remarks, as Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz (Or Shart, as KJP referred to him) asked him if he wanted a sip of water:

16 Comments on Biden Ignores Hawaii Senator’s Question, Looks Completely Out of It as He Shuffles Off Stage

  1. Gee, go look in the mirror and ask yourself why you voted for Biden. I do that with people I voted for and was disappointed in in the end. Hawaiians aren’t the only humans around that have lost everything to a fire – and no insurance. Joe has nothing to say to you other than $700 is coming your way!

  2. People and children burned alive or missing, billions of US dollars to Ukraine, and only a measly $700 per Hawaii household. Corn Pop should have put this bastard in the ground.

  3. Joe Biden, symbol of…

    …corrupt, crony capitalism and the corporate world
    …the Deep State
    …the Billionaire elite
    …the World Economic Forum
    …the U.S. military-industrial complex
    …the fiat Dollar backed not by gold but by international crime
    …an obese, lazy, doped-up, amoral, victim culture (50+% of our population) that produces nothing and lives on handouts from those that do at the point of a gun.

    Way to go, Joe.

    Way to go, America.

    The end of this Epoch is coming.

  4. He was waiting for direction from the only person he is conditioned to follow when on stage. Notice how Jill says, “ready?” and Biden begins to move while totally oblivious to everything else, including the question about water. Otherwise he’d still be up there catching flies and drooling.

  5. Tim – FJB AT 9:36 AM
    “T’is a shame he didn’t shuffle off this mortal coil …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …”

    …+100 for the Hamlet reference. Unfortunately, Pedo won’t be contemplating suicide unless Hillary does it FOR him.

  6. Instead of a see and play toy with animal sounds joey’s toy could be a see and lie toy spelling one syllable words like job. Can you spell job, kids? And puzzles with only 2 pieces to see whether joey can put them together or not. And a stand-up Chuck doll as well.


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