Biden Illegal Alien Attacks Florida Woman, Repeatedly Stabs Her with Machete – IOTW Report

Biden Illegal Alien Attacks Florida Woman, Repeatedly Stabs Her with Machete

Bidenโ€™s border bloodbath.

An illegal alien brutally attacked a woman in Broward County, Florida last Thursday with a machete and possibly a second weapon.

5 Comments on Biden Illegal Alien Attacks Florida Woman, Repeatedly Stabs Her with Machete

  1. Sloppy. You can kill a person quickly with a 1 inch cut, no need to embed a machete in their chest.

    This guy waa TRYING to terrorize by being so gory, either out of hatred or to make others fear him.

    Machetes are rather popular in the 3rd World, but 3″ as reported would be a rather small one.

    Unless he broke it off in her chest.

    …one thing that happens with untrained knife fighters is that they stab instead of slash, and hit bone instead of vital organs. Not saying it doesnt hurt, but its better to take a knife to a rib than in a lung, nicht wahr? Sometimes the point can be embedded to where the attacker loses part or all of his knife, being unable to pull it from bone or breaking it off with lateral force. Probably what happened here if the woman’s still alive as they say, may have even saved her life because a knife embedded halfway in a sternum is a knife that DIDNT pierce a heart or collapse a lung.

    She may not FEEL lucky right now, but she is.

    Oh, and the guy?

    Cut his hands off and let him bleed to death.

    Teach HIM to play with knives…

  2. …its also possible it DID penetrate the chest cavity, but for whatever reason it either broke off or he lost his grip, leaving the blade in the wound, which is ALSO more fortuitous than it sounds. AS. LONG AS NO ONE PULLS IT OUT, it can help tamponade its own damage and give the flesh something to seal against. This WOULD be left IN for field treatment, stabilized, chest tubes if needed, and maybe with occlusive dressings so the lungs dont collapse, but transpoted that way because the ONLY safe place to remove it is the hospital, where X rays can determine where it is and what structures and organs may be damaged and prepare appropriate countermeasures before extracting it.

    That whole business isnt like pulling a sword from a stone, either. they may cut around it, even access from the back, or cut the metal instead of the flesh to improve the odds, none of which youre going to do in the street.

  3. Well the GP article did not make it very clear but if the cork smoker is being charged with first degree murder then I am afraid the woman in this situation did not survive.


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