Biden in Talks to Provide Smartphone App to Illegals to Pre-Register Before Entering the US Illegally – IOTW Report

Biden in Talks to Provide Smartphone App to Illegals to Pre-Register Before Entering the US Illegally

GP: The US is bracing for a record flood of illegal aliens when Joe Biden lifts President Trump’s Title 42 border protection order.

The border officials are looking at 350,000 to 500,000 illegals the first month after Joe Biden lifts Title 42.  It is pure insanity.

According to FOX News reporter Hillary Vaughn, the Biden regime is moving doctors from the Veterans Department to help at the border when the agents are consumed with the half a million illegals ready to storm the open border.

The Border Patrol agents are speaking out against this leftist insanity saying, “Veterans can’t get medical attention but we’re going to give free medical attention to illegal migrants.” more h/t joe6pak.

17 Comments on Biden in Talks to Provide Smartphone App to Illegals to Pre-Register Before Entering the US Illegally

  1. Let me guess; taxpayers funding app development and then 350,000 app sales, with absolutely no end in site of capping this huge money laundering scheme!!!

    ‘Presidentbiden-his-time-U.S.Estate Auction Sale’.

    Highest bidder launders funds into Hunter’s special “children of clowngress persons” accounts, and those persons of government that joined the biden /pelosi/mcconnell/and so many more CARTEL.

  2. According to FOX News reporter Hillary Vaughn, the Biden regime is moving doctors from the Veterans Department to help at the border when the agents are consumed with the half a million illegals ready to storm the open border.

  3. “Restricted immigration is not an offensive but purely a defensive action. It is not adopted in criticism of others in the slightest degree, but solely for the purpose of protecting ourselves. We cast no aspersions on any race or creed, but we must remember that every object of our institutions of society and government will fail unless America be kept American.”

    -Calvin Coolidge

  4. You don’t need an army, air force, or navy to conquer the US. All you need are lobbyists with cash, whores, blow, and blackmail to get to already hopelessly corrupt political system here to destroy the country from within via one awful idea and one conjured up fake “crisis” after another.

    The entire uni-party pretending to be two party, Hollywood, CNN, Fox News, faggoty-assed worthless establishment can all burn in Hell. They’re evil and worthless to average people. And they all lie to us, constantly.

  5. And how doesn’t this further destroy our country with the democraps and the gutless weenie RINO’s giving away more free shit to all the illegal beaners and others who enter our country with the governments permission and even sponsorship. I hate democraps, I’m running out of obscenities that I can call these traitorous bastards. God help us!

  6. Title 42, set to expire! CDC pandemic policy will expire on May 23rd.
    Lets see, masks, vaccines, mandates are all bad according to a certain group of individuals, but this isn’t? Too bad, it’s ending whether you like it or not. It was never ment to be a permanent policy!

  7. As his history, career, and rep displays—Joe Biden is an exploiter of people and uses these illegals (and others) to feed predatory rings and benefit himself and pondskum family.

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