Biden Is Not ‘Tough On Russia’, Quite The Opposite – IOTW Report

Biden Is Not ‘Tough On Russia’, Quite The Opposite


CDMedia wrote in the summer before the 2020 election about Joe Biden, and his energy and gas genius son Hunter, meeting with Russian gas executives in the United States, weeks after Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula, and Obama/Biden were crowing in the news about how America needs to ‘get tough on Russia’.

The hypocrisy was glaring. The Bidens wanted the gas, to Hell with Ukraine.

Weak sanctions ensured. Red lines were crossed. The rest is history.

You see, the ‘tough on Russia’ thing is a front. What the Biden’s are really interested in — is money. more

8 Comments on Biden Is Not ‘Tough On Russia’, Quite The Opposite

  1. Joe Biden “Tough Guy”??? For all his bluff and bluster he is still little more than a used sleazy car salesman with the personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled Winnebago man hamstrung by the mental agility of Karl Childers! He is basically and simply a vulgar, sticky-fingered, no-talent crook!


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