Biden Is Putting Migrant Kids In Cages And Now ‘AOC’ Doesn’t Care – IOTW Report

Biden Is Putting Migrant Kids In Cages And Now ‘AOC’ Doesn’t Care

National Pulse:

Joe Biden is re-opening a child migrant detention center, but neither the establishment media nor left-wing politicians appear to care. The response is starkly different from when President Trump operated the detention centers he inherited from the Obama-Biden administration.

The move is said to be a direct result of the relaxation of border enforcement, a stunning admission made in CNN reports.

A recent article states:

The Biden administration is opening an overflow facility for unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the US-Mexico border, the federal agency tasked with the children’s care told CNN in a statement.

The Health and Human Services Department will reopen a facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, that can accommodate about 700 children and can be expanded if necessary. read more

10 Comments on Biden Is Putting Migrant Kids In Cages And Now ‘AOC’ Doesn’t Care

  1. Someone should make a cardboard cutout of her sobbing ass and photo it posed exactly like the original, but when there are actually children in the compound. Then post it in the interwebs. It will go viral!
    Alinsky’s rules 3,4,5,6,8, 10 and 12 all wrapped into one!

  2. An integral part of Critical Theory is picking apart anything the opponent does, but any and all actions on your part are sacrosanct irrespective of how destructive they have proven to be or how ludicrous any proposal they demand immunity form any criticism and concession of good intentions on their part. The Republican establishment has no core values that are consistent with Constitutional conservatism and are happy to play their assigned roll that game.

    They are invested, financially and philosophically, lock, stock and barrel in progressivism and progressives are progressives first, last and always.

  3. Not much progress in progressivism.
    Call it what the fuck it is! Statist Totalitarianism. Or Totalitarian Nihilism. Or Nihilistic Socialism. Or National Socialism. Or Inter-National Socialism.

    But they are constitutionally opposed to human progress – and among the superstitious and ignorant that gives it a patina of legitimacy – shit left over from Wilson.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. so joey basements is going to make kids ‘drink out of toilets’
    magical kool-aid, actually- its all how they sell it.
    aocSmollet wasn’t hiding in her bathroom on the 6th, she was getting a drink. She drinks out of the toilet, because she’s afraid of the garbage disposal in the sink.
    she needs to put in for a psych eval

  5. It’s all bullshit. What does anyone expect.

    Our only way out of this is secession. Otherwise, many, many of us are going to lose our freedom (ruined or imprisoned) or killed.

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