Biden Lashes Out at Reporter for Hunter Paternity Test Question – IOTW Report

Biden Lashes Out at Reporter for Hunter Paternity Test Question

WFB: Former vice president Joe Biden hit back at a reporter who asked about a lawsuit alleging that his son Hunter fathered a child with an Arkansas woman.

“I was wondering if you have a comment on this report and court filing out of Arkansas that your son Hunter just made you a grandfather again,” Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked the presidential hopeful.

“No, that’s a private matter. I have no comment,” Biden responded. “But only you would ask that. You’re a good man. You’re a good man. Classy.” MORE

8 Comments on Biden Lashes Out at Reporter for Hunter Paternity Test Question

  1. It’s so great that I’m not a journalist because my response would have been, “Classy like cheating on your wife by plowing your dead brother’s widow before his body assumed room temperature or classy like cheating on the widow and knocking up some whore in Arkansas and lying about not being father? Could you be more specific as to what degree of classy I rank on the Biden Family Scale of Good Taste, Mr. Vice President?”

    By the way, congratulations on your new grandson.


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