Biden left hundreds of US-funded journalists behind in Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Biden left hundreds of US-funded journalists behind in Afghanistan

NYP_ The Biden administration left behind in Afghanistan hundreds of US-sponsored journalists and their families in the chaotic withdrawal from the Taliban-controlled country.

Despite President Biden promising to get every journalist out, the reporters employed by the US Agency for Global Media were left stranded.

Fox News confirmed that Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) journalists were unable to get aboard the last flights from Afghanistan on Monday.

News of the journalists being left behind comes after national security adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN on Sunday that groups prioritized by the Biden administration had made it to evacuation planes. 

Lawmakers had raised the alarm about the individuals affiliated with USAGM, an independent federal agency funded by Congress that oversees several news organizations, including Voice of America and RFE/RL. more

15 Comments on Biden left hundreds of US-funded journalists behind in Afghanistan

  1. No love.

    Fuck journalist.

    They are the enemy.

    Let them bleat when Karma catches up to them, because it never seems to matter HOW many journos Islam beheads, they STILL apologize and enable them and the Democrats, so maybe don’t help the enemy and the enemy won’t win, until then, enjoy Islamic hospitality at it’s finest you stupid, discarded tools…

  2. “The Biden administration left behind in Afghanistan hundreds of US-sponsored journalists”

    With the state of journalism today, that’s like being upset they left hundreds of lawyers behind — which is to say that no one gives a shit at best, and it’s a pretty good start at worst.

  3. Unslung Hero, many journos are CIA, or fronting for other intelligence agencies. So, like ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS said, let them squirm. Biden and his WestExec puppeteers are going to pay dearly for burning IC assets. Six ways to Sunday, as Schumer said.

  4. Let’s arrange an exchange for the ones who are apologizing here for Dementia Joe’s decisions that left so many Americans and our Afghan Allies in jeopardy. Brian Williams ought to be worth two or three real journalists.

  5. Bear in mind that this isn’t the FIRST war “journalists” were insturmental in causing us to “lose”.

    It was primarily because of “journalists”, epitomized in the person of Walter Cronkite, that the TET Offensive that was a COMPLETE MILITARY FAILURE for the Communists was presented as a WIN to the American Public, who at that time were COMPLETELY trusting in “journalists”, so anything but abject surrender became politically untenable at that point, and you know the rest.

    It was ALSO “journalist” who used out-of-context photos of Vietnam, most notably the one with the 3 naked, burnt girls running ahead of US Troops, and the one with the guy being shot in the head, to turn Americans against our soldiers SPECIFICALLY, birthing the “Baby Burner” movement and getting our returning troops spit on, disrespected, and attacked. I helped vets with what we now call PTSD in my medic days, and what YOU guys did to them is UNFORGIVABLE.

    Fuck You.

    I’m sure they’ll do the same to our soldiers this time. They serve the Democrats, and Democrats HATE the military.

    You created this monster, “jornalists”. You chose to be the Mouth of satan.

    Don’t be surprised when you get the devils reward for serving the devil. When he’s done with his tools, he drops them.

    Enjoy Mornay’s wages, you walking dead supernumeraries.

    You’ve earned them…

  6. @Thirdtwin
    Or the leak about them knowing where and when the suicide bombers at the gates was going to happen a day before and they did nothing.
    Yes, we are at war.
    How many will notice?

  7. Maybe the ‘journalists’ were there to make sure they captured evidence of anyone not following the ridiculous rules of engagement.
    Why else would we fund them?
    The left in general will smoke even their own people like a cheap cigar, then you’ll be tossed.


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