Biden lets out his inner teen girl, and it’s just awful – IOTW Report

Biden lets out his inner teen girl, and it’s just awful

And Awkward!

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

The Democrats aren’t even pretending anymore that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like each other.  Each sees the other as an enemy, although neither can do without the other.  Biden needs Harris as his insurance policy against being pushed out under the 25th Amendment.  Harris needs Biden because, bad as she is as vice president, if Biden boots her, she’s got nothing.  On Thursday, at the memorial service for Bob Dole, these two disgraceful, immature prima donnas finally gave up any pretense and let it all hang out.

Last year, during a discussion about male versus female government leaders, my daughter opined that it’s not true that countries led by women would be less likely to go to war.  Instead, she said, “They’d go to war but they wouldn’t talk to each other for a month first.”  I thought of that when I saw the video showing the little teen-queen drama that Biden and Harris enacted at Dole’s memorial service.

First, Harris and her hubby (whose name I always forget) were led to their seats.  If you imagine the seats running from left to right, and numbered 1 through 4, hubby occupied seat 1, and Harris occupied seat 2. MORE

16 Comments on Biden lets out his inner teen girl, and it’s just awful

  1. “…These people in D.C. are appalling and disgusting. They are the elite at the end of the Roman Empire, when it was disintegrating under the weight of moral and financial corruption…”

    The money quote, right there. Frighteningly true.

  2. I don’t disagree that both Biden and Harris are incompetent, but Presidents and Vice-Presidents have frequently disliked each other. I doubt Trump and Pence got along. There are stories that Obama disliked Biden. JFK and LBJ didn’t like each other.

    A common belief is that a Vice-Presidential candidate was chosen to balance the ticket – it was like an arranged marriage where mutual respect was not necessarily a factor. This is exactly what Biden’s people did; they chose Harris only because the Democrats needed a woman and/or a minority, and Harris ticked both boxes.

    And put together, they still aren’t worth a damn.

  3. I’d like to see Joey and Kakamala resolve their feud by means of single combat. Just the two of them in the arena, alone. Perhaps their weapons could be giant ceremonial gavels, or those huge blunt scissors used in ribbon-cutting ceremonies. Ooh! Here’s the best one: claymores. The Scottish two-handed swords, not the anti-personnel explosives of today.

    But, come to think on it, modern claymores might be satisfactory, after all.

  4. Re: Millard Fillmore. I actually like the number 13, and Millard was the 13th President. He was also the last Whig President, and I’ve always found that interesting, as well as later running for President as the nominee of the Know Nothings – which is now an apt description of our current politicians. I also liked this portrait which, to me, looks like a curmudgeon trying not to laugh.

  5. Ok, here I go again with the truth. The Second Husband clearly nods his head and is greeting the Pedo.

    The Pedo either is ignoring him or slightly tilts his own head.

    The Pedo is an senile idiot and stands in front of the wrong chair. Protocol has the superior on the left. Enter on the left, sit on the left so the audience/cameras in front of you sees you on the right

    The senile bastard stood in the wrong spot, we all know he needs adult guidance on where to stand.

    Dr. Jill should have gently guided applesauce brains to the correct spot but maybe she was just trying not to embarrass the corpse with dementia.

    Because the Pedo is so demented he instantly becomes agitated and angry, thus she switches spots.

    These articles should be highlighting his obvious dementia and not misconstruing what we see with our own eyes to make a political point.

    We all know that they despise each other without stretching the truth from a biased point of view

    Leave that cheap ass juvenies shit to the professional cheap shit juveniles known as liberals.

  6. Cisco Kid
    DECEMBER 11, 2021 AT 5:01 AM

    “Dr. Jill should have gently guided applesauce brains to the correct spot but maybe she was just trying not to embarrass the corpse with dementia.”

    Jill Biden cares only about being not only exaulted as First Lady, but also about weilding unearned, undue power through Pedo Joe. This whole thing is possible only because she’s Livia to his demented Augustus.

    If she actually gave a rat’s ass about HIM, she would have never leth run in the first place.

    But she does not love Joe Pedo. He’s just means to an end. As I suspect he is to everyone in his life. And when he dies, none will truly mourn him, but all the children he raped, including his own daughter and granddaughters and, apparently, grandson, may well cry tears of joy and relief…

  7. Uncle Al,
    “Two maggots enter, no maggot leaves.”

    Don’t care what they use: penknives, boxcutters, or nuclear bombs – just do it!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I was thinking the wheels would fall off within 30-60 days, but less-than-a-year is still a pretty impressive implosion for the fakers.

    Given how much production and supporting cast they have.


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