Biden Lied About Hunter – IOTW Report

Biden Lied About Hunter

And he’s been lying the whole time.

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Larry O’Connor-

In the early days of the 2020 Democrat race for the nomination, when most journalists were backing Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, the conventional wisdom was that Joe Biden was too old, too out of touch, and oh-by-the-way, that Hunter Biden thing makes him a non-starter. 

The New Yorker wrote a blistering expose on the former Veep’s son with the hopeful title, “Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?” But, by the time Spring of 2020 rolled around, and Biden looked to be a lock for the nomination, thereby making him the one person who could stop Trump, there was a virtual news blackout on all things Hunter. 

The legacy, corporate media, and their partners in Big Tech went so far as to ignore, censor, and even punish any promotion of the New York Post’s astounding work on the infamous “Laptop from Hell” story just two weeks before election day. 

A lot has happened since then. Even The New York Times and Washington Post have independently verified the contents of the aforementioned laptop. But one aspect of the embryonic Hunter scandal from 2019 has remained largely unscrutinized.  more

12 Comments on Biden Lied About Hunter

  1. Of course they lied.
    They have been lying since there has been politics.
    But over the last 30 or so years they have been cheating at national politics using illegal vote manipulation that we are still beginning to fully understand. (Of course everyone here at IOTWreport knows this).
    There is too much at stake for the NWO commies and political crooks. They can’t afford to loose control of the house and senate this November. Look at what they did in 2020. How many people died/lives ruined in order for them to create the ruse of COVID!
    Expect things to get REALLY UGLY between now and then.
    Hell – I wouldn’t be surprised if they set off a nuke.

  2. liberals lie! have don so for many decades!

    2 examples of liberal Presidents’s lies:

    “…read my lips!…”

    “I’m a compasionate conservative.”

    Joe is no different.

  3. The only reason why Joe Biden was chosen to steal the election is that he’s a chronic compulsive liar from way back to present. He’s nothing special and brought nothing to the table except his Parkinson’s Disease dementia which his handlers have laughable exploited though backfired. Take note of the fact that PD dementia often effects the limbs and muscles which stiffen and is why the clodhopper was urged to ride a bike by his private doc. PD JOE riding a bike gives the false illusion of “virility and strength”, all which is false especailly since he fell off the thing standing still like a doofus cartoon character.

  4. The only reason why Joe Biden was chosen to steal the election is that he’s a chronic compulsive liar from way back to present. He’s nothing special and brought nothing to the table except his Parkinson’s Disease dementia which his handlers have laughabley exploited though backfired. Take note of the fact that PD dementia often effects the limbs and muscles which stiffen and is why the clodhopper was urged to ride a bike by his private doc. PD JOE riding a bike gives the false illusion of “virility and strength”, all which is false especailly since he fell off the thing standing still like a doofus cartoon character.

  5. @Brad July 19, 2022 at 3:20 pm

    > How much longer can this clown show stay in power?

    How much longer can Americans (who have nowhere, else, to flee to) keep paying the neighbors’ room, board, and retirement doles? To Just Follow Orders(TM). Against them.

    They’re not, even, looking for their shoes. Let alone rolling off the La-Z-Boys. Until their houses have burned down around them. The checks have all bounced. And their Patriot(TM), Just Follow Orders(TM), neighbors are grilling those Americans’ children. Over what’s left of those Americans’ houses. For The Constitusion!(leventy)!

    (That’s not throwing shade. At Muhican!s. It’s maf. If you maf gravity wrong, because the actual number gives you icky feelz. You’ll always be wrong. Even if you end up in the right place.)

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