Biden Lies And Says Taliban Helping Us Fight Al Qaida – IOTW Report

Biden Lies And Says Taliban Helping Us Fight Al Qaida

His Lies Are Going To Get A Great Many People Killed.

AND Magazine:
Biden has done a lot of horrifying things since he sat down in the White House. This may be the worst. He is lying. He is covering for the enemy. He is providing a mortal enemy with the time and space it needs to plan mass murder. He might as well be in some alternate universe.

Meanwhile, in the real world, in the nightmare that is now Afghanistan very evil men are already hard at work on the next 9/11.

President Biden’s comments come after an independent United Nations report found that the Taliban are providing Al Qaida monthly “welfare payments” that are used to pay fighters, the Taliban’s Ministry of Defense now uses al Qaeda training manuals and receives instruction from al Qaeda, and that al Qaeda has established training camps across Afghanistan, one of which is specifically used to train suicide bombers. Per the UN report, the “relationship between the Taliban and al-Qaida remained close and symbiotic with al-Qaida viewing Taliban-administered Afghanistan as a safe haven.”  read more

6 Comments on Biden Lies And Says Taliban Helping Us Fight Al Qaida

  1. Still waiting to find out whether a deal was made via arranged payment(s), (laundered under the table) for all the billions of dollars in military equipment he left behind in Afghanistan.

    That is, was a deal or discount, made by Biden to the enemy (or others) to leave the equipment behind for an undisclosed payment under the table and have it laundered through one of his more “favored” national contacts and/or “business” associates?

    It does not seem possible that someone like himself (and his lefty/commie controllers) would pass this up and let all that equipment rot in the desert heat.

    You can NEVER trust a chronic liar and lifelong criminal in positions of TRUST who has learned to work and f’ck the system forever for his personal benefit…and consistently get away with it.

  2. There is a lot to be said for minding your own business and staying out of foreign entanglements.

    Primarily the US taxpayers are not funding the military industrial complex who are paying politicians to stir up trouble they profit from.

  3. Yeah well another 20 years in Afghanistan wouldn’t get rid of the vermin either.

    Biden lies. And the Clintons did too and so did the Bushes and so do the neocons/CIA.


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