Biden live feed cut AGAIN – IOTW Report

Biden live feed cut AGAIN

This has become a regular feature.

17 Comments on Biden live feed cut AGAIN

  1. According to Doctor Google 123,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.
    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 123,000 covid deaths in just under 6 weeks!
    That’s a 30.75 % INCREASE under biden in under 6 weeks.
    When’s the biden covid plan kickin in???

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  2. How sure are we that it’s not cgi images already?

    He could be in a coma in the WH basement (or the Lincoln Bedroom Closet) by now and K-K-Ka-mala could already be large and in-charge with Baracky pulling the strings.

    After all the election was stolen on the premise of putting an India (not Indian – sorry Liz) backed person in the WH (the big guy hisself left that one out).

    We having fun and our Tour Director is Satan, with Nancy Pelosi driving the bus and Chuckie S, handling the bags.

  3. Gawd… if only this was just a sick joke!
    Uncle Xi has his finger on a red button and the only reason Jackass Joe isn’t cut off a little sooner is because of the delay between Washington and Beijing!

  4. Shy of an armed rebellion, I cannot see any way out of this complete take over of our nation. I am livid at the total sellout of our three branches of government on the national and many of the states, what other recourse is being left open except armed rebellion? God help us! God save our republic!

  5. Who cares?
    He’s a Usurper – not like a President, or anything real.

    I wouldn’t give a shit if he dropped stone dead (before they cut the feed).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @John Zonk

    I think they will use the 25th in December. It looks too bad and obvious if he does not complete 1 year from the election date. For the sake of whatever doctors declared him fit to be president they will keep the story going.

    I bet they are shocked at how fast he is slowing down.

  7. Joe Biden after coming out of Johns Hopkins hospital after a brain scan:

    CNN: Mr. President sir, how did the test go?

    Biden: Huh….what test?

    CNN: The one you had this morning, sir.

    Biden: Oh, that one….I got an A on that test.

    CNN: You mean sir, that your scan was good.

    Biden: y-yeah….I spelt every word correct like…although “dog” gave me a problem…

    Kayleigh (Fox News): Why is that sir?

    Biden: It’s cause I read backwards…I thought the word was god and I don’t know how to spell that. The teacher helped me out and said its a thing that barks at the moon. I almost put down “Dad”, but finally I got it right. Miss Knockers, hey, I’ll never forget her tits.

    CNN: Sir, back to the test you had this morning, not the spelling test, what were the results.

    Biden: uhhh… trying to remember…I don’t think they found anything.

    CNN: They found nothing?

    Biden: No, that’s correct…yes, they found nothing in my head. So it’s a great big fat NO.

    CNN: That is good news Mr. President, the nation breathes a sigh of relief at the good news.

    Kayleigh: Mr. President, when you take your daily nap, who makes executive decisions?

    Biden: …I dunno, ask Jill or Kamala.


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