Biden low: 60% disapprove, 50% ‘strongly’ – IOTW Report

Biden low: 60% disapprove, 50% ‘strongly’

It’s hard to imagine it getting any worse for President Joe Biden. For 209 straight days, his approval rating has been underwater, and on Friday, he hit his low point.

17 Comments on Biden low: 60% disapprove, 50% ‘strongly’

  1. I have such deep, visceral hatred for that motherfucker I’m pulling for Putin to prick the bastard with that spy poison he’s famous for and take him out.
    biden* is a corrupt, demented sack of shit that is destroying this country.
    His whole family is worse than the mafia.

    Yes, yes yes.
    It will allow Kamala to be “the first black woman” yada yada yada.
    At least we get that shit out of the way.

  2. LBS,
    Half Indian, Half Educated, Half Wit, That Lived in Canuckistan for a little while.

    Sometimes Joe has short periods of Clarity. Very Short.
    Always searching for Pickle in the Olive Jar.

  3. These Polls are Bull Shit. Breitbart seems to feel the need to cover these useless polls. So does Fox. They’re weighted Polls, and always be. Stop covering these polls. They’re an insult to people who think.

  4. The one thing that gives me hope is this prick won’t be in the future at some point. Hopefully the near future. A pox on his house and the houses of his family.


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