Biden Made Several Confusing Remarks During an Interview With an Israeli Reporter – IOTW Report

Biden Made Several Confusing Remarks During an Interview With an Israeli Reporter

Gaffe watch: Slips of the tongue, disjointed responses mark Biden appearances in Israel.


President Joe Biden made several notable blunders during his trip to Israel, ranging from mistakes in a formal speech to a confusing exchange with an Israeli reporter.

Giving a preview of his plans in Israel, Biden said, “We’re going to celebrate the ending of people-to-people connection,” when he meant to say “enduring.”

The president said he planned to visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust remembrance center, “to keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust — horror of the Holocaust, honor those we lost so that we never, ever forget that lesson, you know.”

Israeli News Channel 12 interviewed Biden right before he left the U.S. and aired the conversation the evening that he arrived in Israel. 

Biden said he is committed to reentering the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, but “as a last resort” he would use force against the Islamic Republic if it came to it. He also stressed that he would not remove Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps from the foreign terrorist organization list, even if it killed the deal.

Seemingly ignoring the Abraham Accords — the Trump-brokered normalization agreements between Israel and historically hostile Gulf Arab states lauded by experts as one of the biggest peace efforts in Middle East history — Biden said, “With the last administration, we sorta walked away from the Middle East.”

While still at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, President Biden spoke about how the U.S. “relationship with the State of Israel is deeper and stronger, in my view, than it’s ever been.” more

13 Comments on Biden Made Several Confusing Remarks During an Interview With an Israeli Reporter

  1. Remember when the anti-Trumpers wanted to use the 25th amendment to oust Trump on the basis of him being senile? Now, we’ve got a democrat POTUS who is actually and clearly senile and… (crickets).

  2. C’mon, maaan. He’s nothing but a foil that the dems will blame all their failures on when they oust him. ‘It was Biden, we had nuttin to do with it!!!’

  3. Just reading about this bag of monkey pus’ gaffes drops my IQ 50 points and I can’t afford to lose to much more. FJB till the universe collapses in on itself.


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