Biden makes excuses for Hillary- “This woman has been so battered over 30 years” – IOTW Report

Biden makes excuses for Hillary- “This woman has been so battered over 30 years”

“Well, I think it’s a combination of a couple of things. One, I don’t think she understood the gravity of setting it up. She thought it was you know this is okay to do..."

hillary and biden awkward moment

Breitbart: In a preview from and interview that will air on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Vice President Joe Biden defended Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of state for the Obama administration.


14 Comments on Biden makes excuses for Hillary- “This woman has been so battered over 30 years”

  1. Crazy Joe defending Crooked Hillary! How did our country sink so low that these two disgusting facsimiles of putrid human beings are a major part of our news and lives!

  2. Battered, you mean Buttered.
    Buttered up by sycophants, career brown noses, suck-ups, like-kind criminals, and grifters.
    All laying it on thick so they can ‘gravitate toward the center’ for deals, favors, and to bask in the sickly, jaundiced, light; albeit without warmth from Hilary’s corrupt setting Sun.

  3. Well, hell, if that’s the qualifier, the jails are full of more qualified candidates. We can only hope Hillary joins them soon!

    I doubt she is panicked at all by this new page in her book of sins. The web she has spent 30 years spinning encompasses the fetid swamp completely. Just look at that smug, entitled Al Capone face, again.

  4. I doubt if Hillary woman has ever been a battered woman. Maybe Bill Clinton has.
    Come on…that’s not the real Hillary the VP is feeling up. He would never try that with HRC. Besides, I saw this on tv and that look-alike doesn’t have Clintons hips.

  5. Joey boy, Ya fooken amadan, she hasn’t been battered enough. You call becoming a millionaire while on the public teat, being battered? GFY with a garden hoe you half witted, half assed mick.

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