Biden: Many stayed home in pandemic ‘because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf’ – IOTW Report

Biden: Many stayed home in pandemic ‘because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf’

Just the News:

A clip of Joe Biden commenting that Americans realized that they could remain at home during the pandemic because of the work of others has garnered attention online.

Biden’s remarks were extracted from a Sept. 15 roundtable event he was part of in Tampa, Florida. 

“Because the American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a helluva lot clearer,” Biden said. The Democratic presidential nominee went on to say that Americans saw that “geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf. Or I got a young Hispanic is out there, these Dreamers are out there, 60,000 of ’em acting as first responders and nurses and docs. Or all of a sudden people are realizing, my Lord, you know, these people have done so much, not just black, white, across the board, have done so much for me. We can do this. We can get things done.” more

33 Comments on Biden: Many stayed home in pandemic ‘because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf’

  1. Stay sequestered in your home long enough to lose enough money and your family can’t be fed. That requires a brief hiatus from government tyranny to rightfully smash and grab a piece of reparations. That’s how a schtrugglin’ family is able to visit an immaculate black stocked bread aisle to make ends meet. This plan is encouraged and outlined by high thinking prominent democrats and Joe “is the democrat party.”

    Frankly, Joe, your plan sucks.

  2. There it is. Spoken by a man who NEVER earned an honest dollar in his entire filthy life !

    Hey Joe-hoe, I am not “able” to stay sequestered at home, a tyrannical idiotic (at times) government has ORDERED me to vacate my business, the street, the park….

    You so need to die at the hands of a 13y/o gangbanger who never met his biological parents. You built that, traitor.

  3. That is all going to be corrected once the Obiden-Kalamity Administration signs legislation providing $200 trillion for Reparations to all the Plantation Dwellers. Once they get their money in yearly payments of $50,000 a year, this country will have to bring in 3,000,0000 grocery store shelf stockers from Central America and Venezuela.

  4. Like he ever shopped for himself betore covid. And how about a shout-out to your diaper changer, Joe?

    “…my Lord, you know, these people have done so much, not just black, white, across the board, have done so much for me. We can do this. We can get things done.”

  5. …my very White nephew who works as a stocker and very White son who did so while going to school will doubtlessly be surprised to hear that they don’t exist in BidenWorld, seeing as they’re all White and Male and all…

  6. @ SNS – Michelle O should cease her whining. But of course she never will.

    I had been reading Walter Williams for a couple of years after finding I agreed with most of the stuff he writes, but did not know he was a black guy until I read one of his columns in which he told two stories.

    One about his wife’s car being in the garage, and she walked to the street corner to catch the city bus to work. Where she was mistaken for one of the housekeepers that was employed by one of the upscale neighborhood residents.

    The other story Walter himself, while mowing his own lawn, being mistaken for someone with a lawn keeping service hired to mow the lawn.

    Both black and white people made the wrong assumptions about their occupations. Get over it Michelle, it happens. And when it does, it’s not necessarily racist. Walter is smart enough to recognize that, M.O. is not.


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