Biden Mocks Buttigieg’s Record as Small City Mayor – IOTW Report

Biden Mocks Buttigieg’s Record as Small City Mayor


MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Scrambling to salvage his presidential campaign, Joe Biden escalated his criticism of Pete Buttigieg on Saturday, mocking Buttigieg’s experience as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and warning that he would struggle without the support of black voters who are the backbone of the Democratic Party.

At a campaign event in New Hampshire, as well as in a new online ad, Biden was biting in his critique of Buttigieg, who spent eight years leading a Midwestern city of about 100,000 people.

“I do not believe we’re a party at risk if I’m the nominee,” Biden told voters in Manchester. “I do believe we’re a party at risk if we nominate someone who has never held a higher office than the mayor of South Bend, Indiana.”

Biden is trying to avoid falling far behind both Buttigieg and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in a second straight nominating contest. Buttigieg and Sanders finished in an effective tie in the Iowa caucuses last Monday and are leading polls in New Hampshire heading into Tuesday’s primary. Biden was a distant fourth in Iowa, also finishing behind Elizabeth Warren.

Shortly before he spoke in Manchester, Biden’s campaign released a video comparing his record as vice president with Buttigieg’s service as mayor. While Biden helped President Barack Obama pass sweeping health care legislation and orchestrate a bailout of the auto industry, the ad says, Buttigieg was installing decorative lights on bridges and repairing sidewalks. read more

6 Comments on Biden Mocks Buttigieg’s Record as Small City Mayor

  1. The claim is that Biden is making fun of Mayo Pete’s gayness. Weak stuff. The ad is pretty good at skewering Small-ball Pete. He gentrified South Bend, now he wants to gentrify socialism.

  2. “…warning that he would struggle without the support of black voters…”

    …yep, Joey knows all about them Black folk. Why, he even met one that was clean and EVERYTHING once, like something out of a storybook…

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    …I sense no racism here /s

    …go bring those slaves home, Joe, to the Democrats who ALWAYS owned them…

  3. “…Buttigieg was installing decorative lights on bridges and repairing sidewalks. ”

    ….verbiage like this always makes me laugh. Butthole did NONE of those things, he had WORKERS do it, doubtless with large rakeoffs for graft, corruption, and kickbacks to himself and Union bosses…

    …Petey might chip a nail, so he’d NEVER do anything as useful as actually INSTALLING a sidewalk.

    …although I don’t doubt he’s CRAPPED on a few…


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