I highly doubt Biden has the ’emotional energy’ to tie both shoes correctly by himself on most days. It is now well known that he prances around necked because it’s too difficult to dress himself.
Spelled check messed up, naked should have been nekkid
Yet he has enough emotional energy to paw anything in a skirt he can get close to.
It won’t be his choice to make.
Poll out yesterday has Trump beating Clinton in head-to-head.
She’s toast.
Biden’s the only viable alternative.
It’s a shame the Demorats lost Lautenberg to the Grim Reaper or else they could have pulled that ‘alternative’ trick again.
Is emotional energy the new lib term for mental incapacity? They are so good at re-defining words to suit their own purpose at the moment. I was just wondering.
But your son begged you to run before he died. Isn’t that what you said?
It burned up a bunch of my emotional energy to find out that China REALLY ISN’T a part of North America …
sometimes I get confused about stuff …
I think his son is the only person who has ever died of embarrassment.
If Joe has the ability to be in the presence of that creature wassershit then he is okay to run for president.
What he doesn’t know yet is whether or not Hillary will implode or kill herself. I think they are waiting for her to end up under a tree in D.C. park. Unresponsive is the word they’re looking for…
Harry Reid is supposedly looking into running. He allegedly said he could do as well as Obama with one hand tied behind his back and one eye. Run, Harry.
So what this article is telling us is what we already know – Biden’s a grand mess.
Just thinking about running this idiot for President should give even the Defecrats a case of the Hershey Squirts, but when yer already running an lying, disingenuous asshole like the Hillbag whuts a little more colon trouble!
I highly doubt Biden has the ’emotional energy’ to tie both shoes correctly by himself on most days. It is now well known that he prances around necked because it’s too difficult to dress himself.
Spelled check messed up, naked should have been nekkid
Yet he has enough emotional energy to paw anything in a skirt he can get close to.
It won’t be his choice to make.
Poll out yesterday has Trump beating Clinton in head-to-head.
She’s toast.
Biden’s the only viable alternative.
It’s a shame the Demorats lost Lautenberg to the Grim Reaper or else they could have pulled that ‘alternative’ trick again.
Is emotional energy the new lib term for mental incapacity? They are so good at re-defining words to suit their own purpose at the moment. I was just wondering.
But your son begged you to run before he died. Isn’t that what you said?
It burned up a bunch of my emotional energy to find out that China REALLY ISN’T a part of North America …
sometimes I get confused about stuff …
I think his son is the only person who has ever died of embarrassment.
If Joe has the ability to be in the presence of that creature wassershit then he is okay to run for president.
What he doesn’t know yet is whether or not Hillary will implode or kill herself. I think they are waiting for her to end up under a tree in D.C. park. Unresponsive is the word they’re looking for…
Harry Reid is supposedly looking into running. He allegedly said he could do as well as Obama with one hand tied behind his back and one eye. Run, Harry.
So what this article is telling us is what we already know – Biden’s a grand mess.
Just thinking about running this idiot for President should give even the Defecrats a case of the Hershey Squirts, but when yer already running an lying, disingenuous asshole like the Hillbag whuts a little more colon trouble!