Biden Officials Provided Taliban with ‘Kill List’ of Americans and Afghan Allies: Report – IOTW Report

Biden Officials Provided Taliban with ‘Kill List’ of Americans and Afghan Allies: Report

Western Journal: By now, the Biden administration has made clear it has absolutely no idea what it is doing in Afghanistan. Even so, a new report from Politico detailed a mistake that is surprisingly disastrous even for this incompetent administration.

“U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport,” Politico reported Thursday.

The outlet said this move was confirmed by three U.S. and congressional officials and was “designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan” amid the Taliban takeover of the country.

This is yet another example of the Biden administration placing complete trust in the hands of terrorists. Just yesterday, U.S. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby admitted the administration was essentially relying on the Taliban for security around the airport in Kabul. more here

23 Comments on Biden Officials Provided Taliban with ‘Kill List’ of Americans and Afghan Allies: Report

  1. “Incompetence and ineptness” might not be the true reasons.

    The depth of evil exhibited by our ruling “elite” is staggering—and increases almost hourly.

  2. I’m trying to think of how we can get out of this mess without bloodshed, and civil unrest, possibly violence in the streets all over the country. I’m not seeing a good answer other than Patriots deciding we can’t take anymore. I hope we have enough Patriots. One factor in our once great country that does not get any real attention is the radical islamists that have been preparing for their opportunity to strike. I’m afraid they are out there and we better be ready to fight their asses too. We are at a turning point in this country, who will win?

  3. I’d like to attribute this to Biden’s State Dept people being dumber than skip frogs, but that’s wishful thinking. Even a brain damaged hippy could see the certain outcome. This was a deliberate betrayal, and amounts to attempted murder and outright murder.

  4. I repeat myself.
    All part of the plan. There isn’t anything that has happened, that the SWAMP hasn’t endorsed. You’ll know for sure, when Biden does nothing.
    Expect more of the same in the days to come.

  5. Imagine the dread right now in the minds of thousands of American service men and women over (1) what’s happening in Afghanistan, and, (2) the decision they have to make over taking the clotshot and risking their lives for nothing.

    I’ve always said there are circumstances that warrant a military coup. This one is real close.

  6. Things are going south fast. After the slaughter unfolds the traitors themselves will call for a banana commission to look into the reasons things happened. No one but Slow Joe will get the blame. Joe won’t mind, he just wants his ice cream. Put a lid on it.
    Not sure how banana got in there but it seems to fit.
    This makes the Bay of Pigs look like nothing.

  7. “In comments today following the bombings near the airport in Kabul, Kirby also told Fox News that the Biden administration has reached out to the Taliban for protection against ISIS-K, which is believed to be behind the suicide attacks.”

    I cannot believe I just read that. We’re asking the Taliban for protection. Dear God.

  8. So refreshing to see there’s something they’re not pinning on Trump.

    My fantasy is to see their way of withdrawing from this is throwing several patsys under the bus, admitting the election was violated like the Rape of the Sabines, and handing this mess they’ve created back to Trump when he’s reinstated, hoping he’ll take the fall.

    Then watching him unleash the full expertise of our military as well as sanctioning the utter $#!+ out of anyone who has coming within earshot of this, economically sending them back to the 11th century.

    Too much?

  9. Interesting that Kabul happened the same week that the AZ audit was to be made public. Biden did this on purpose and people died to cover his fraudulent election. Shame!


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